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Primark – On The Rack

Primark – on the rack
A documentary film presented by Tom Heap & produced by Frank Simmonds with Dan McDougall for BBC TV’s Panorama series.
Screenshot slideshow of the contested scene embedded above. Watch on Box of Broadcasts (with institutional login) here.

The BBC produces an exposĂŠ of cheap clothing retailer Primark. It finds children making its clothes, and sewing and testing their sequins, in factories, slums and refugee camps in India. Primark is asked to contribute to the film before it’s shown. Instead, they decide to cut ties with the supply chains featured, then launch a website to counter the film’s claims. They research the film’s research to pick apart its claims, and then complain to the BBC that one 45 second scene (the one in the screenshots above) is fake. Their critic-silencing strategy has mixed success. The BBC is forced to admit that it cannot be 100% sure that the scene wasn’t faked, and the Panorama team are forced to hand back an award they were given for the film. But Primark’s persistent public attempts to silence this investigative journalism draws attention – for years – to the company’s reputation as the ‘poster boy of child labour in the UK’. Supporters of the film highlight the other 3,555 minutes of the film that Primark didn’t claim the producers had faked? Then, 5 years after the film was broadcast, the Rana Plaza factory complex in Dhaka, Bangladesh collapses and over a thousand garments workers are crushed to death making high street clothes. Journalists, filmmakers and others keep this tragedy relentlessly in the news. UK newspaper headlines refer to this as the ‘Primark factory’. There’s no way that this footage is fake. Primark has to react differently this time.

Page reference: Kate Adley, Richard Keeble, Pippa Russell, Noora Stenholm, William Strang and Tuuli Valo (2025) Primark – on the rack. (last accessed <insert date here>)

Estimated reading time: 124 minutes.



You’re a mum-of-three who needs to buy new summer clothes for the kids – and the credit crunch is biting. But do you consider the working conditions of those making the clothes? What’s the true cost of ÂŁ1.50 T-shirts to the world’s poorest people? And as prices soar, and your salary is worth less each month, can you really afford to care? This week, yet another High Street chain has been caught selling clothes made by slave-labour kids in India (Source: Fletcher 2008 np link).

[On] the British high street, … Primark is the major source of cheap and cheerful fashion and is almost an obsession with young women. An apparent mania for beads and sequins calls for huge amounts of hand-sewing and, in the case of three factories, work was sub-contracted and was being done by children (Source: Anon 2008a np).

[In their stores, Primark] flags up their ethical commitment, which means fair working hours, a living wage and no child labour. All very reassuring. But now we’re going to do what shoppers like our friends with the sequined dress can’t do and actually put that to the test (Source: McDougall in Panorama 2008 np link).

Last night, the BBC showed secret footage of how work on Primark garments had been outsourced to third parties in Southern India that used both home and child labour – both against Primark’s ethical code (Source: Anon 2008a np).


[Primark – on the rack] denounced some of Primark’s business practices … [and] reported on the treatment received by labourers working in Primark’s suppliers including the employment of illegal child labour (Source: Jones et al 2009, p.933 link).

The exposĂŠ was laced with sensationalistic sound bites about how Panorama had uncovered the ‘critical link between poorly paid child workers and your shopping bag in Britain’ and how ‘carefree glamour can only come from hard, human labor.’ Primark, according to the show, was motivated purely by profit, and either knew and denied, or should have known and acted on, the fact that its products were tainted by child exploitation (Source: Maroney 2020, p.191).

Posing as industry buyers in India, the programme’s reporter Tom Heap and his team find some of India’s poorest people working long, gruelling hours on Primark clothes in slum workshops and refugee camps (Source: Anon 2008a np link).

Footage was shown of some of India’s poorest people working long hours on Primark clothes in slum workshops and refugee camps, far away from the Primark-approved and inspected factories (Source: Sandison 2008 np link).

In the main case … [the film crew] went to impoverished Sri Lankan refugees in a camp near Tiruppur in southern India from which even the United Nations is banned by the government. There, a middleman named Anthony, posing under a picture of the Sacred Heart, said of its child workers: ‘It depends on how talented they are, but a ten-year-old or older can do this work’ (Source: Anon 2008a np).

[They] showed how youngsters as young as nine earning as little as 19p a day were being exploited to produce clothing in India. … Shocking footage showed how some of India’s poorest people, including children, work long, gruelling hours for poverty pay on Primark clothes in slum workshops and even refugee camps for Sri Lankans (Source: Williams 2008 p.3 link).

[It] included footage said to show three boys in a Bangalore workshop testing stitching in Primark clothes (Source: Anon 2011a np link).

The scenes were said to have shown the youngsters inspecting vest-tops and making sure ‘sequins don’t end up falling off in the hands of customers back in Britain’ (Source: Revoir 2011 np link).

A little deeper into the squalour and another rung down the ladder of exploitation. Children. Several young boys working on the same Primark vest we saw those women sewing earlier. One could be as young as 9 or 10. They’re testing the stitching so the sequins don’t end up falling off in the hands of customers back in Britain. When we asked their ages, their manager kept silent. [The film then briefly shows the vest’s ‘atmosphere’ label. This is a Primark band promising customers affordable fresh fashion] (Source: McDougall in Panorama 2008 np link).

According to the expose, the extracurricular working was taking place far away from the Primark-approved and inspected factories, allegedly breaking Primark promises on child labour, working hours and wages (Source: Williams 2008 p.3 link).

… [which] is contrary to the … Primark code of ethics (Source: Anon 2008a np).

A number of shocked Primark customers watched in astonishment the videotapes showing child labour working on the very clothes they kept in their wardrobe drawers. The children were obviously recruited and organised by local contractors (Source: Mezzadri 2011 np link).

[Tom Heap:] So, Jane, tell me how you found this dress? [Primark shopper, Jane:] I was shopping in Primark, in one of the London stores, last year. [Heap:] And presumably you bought it because you think it looks good? [Jane:] Yeah, it’s really nice. It’s fashionable, very summery. It’s a really nice top. [Heap:] I showed her some of the film we’d brought back from the refugee camp. [they watch the footage] What do you make of what you’ve seen there? [Jane:] Very concerning. I didn’t realise. Obviously when you purchase cheap clothes, [and] there are children as young as that that are actually making them, that’s really concerning, the conditions that they’re in. There’s no way they should be working at that young age. [Heap:] Did you think about any of these things at all when you shopped in Primark or, indeed, other shops? [Jane:] No. Not at all. To be honest, I’ve never really thought about who actually makes them. You trust a retailer. When you go in a shop to purchase clothes, you trust them that they are looking out for the conditions of the people who actually make the garments. … [Heap:] So what trust do you have in Primark now? [Jane:] Very little trust after watching that film. [Heap holding up a yellow dress bought by Jane:] Previously you bought this last summer as kind of a happy, summery, you know, feel good sort of purchase. How does it feel now? [Jane:] Not good at all, knowing that little young children were making this and seeing the beads on is, is terrible (Source: Panorama 2008 np link).

[Primark shopper Isabelle:] One of the sad things is that boycotting somewhere like Primark won’t really solve anything. I think what will really change attitudes is if you carry on shopping there but maybe you sort of write in to them, or you let your voice be heard that you’re not happy. You’d quite like to shop there, but you don’t want to shop there under current conditions. [Primark shopper Gemma:] It almost lies on the consumer’s shoulders to almost, you know, bully the retailers into doing more about it. To say, you know, ‘We care, so you should care.’ Rather than, you know, going in and complaining that the price of a t-shirt has gone up from ÂŁ3 to ÂŁ4 (Source: Panorama 2008 np link).

[Heap:] And the message from those who speak for the children themselves? ‘Don’t shun Indian clothes but ask whether sometimes the price is just too good to be true.’ [Bhuwan Ribhu, Child labour activist:] The cheaper the product is getting, the consumer should demand further that ‘Have you ensured what you are promising me that there is no forced labour, no child labour in this product? And, if you haven’t showed, what is your system of inspection? What is your system of monitoring? What is your system of ensuring what you have promised to me? [Heap:] And, do you think people are asking that question enough? [Ribhu:] N, they are not (Source: Panorama 2008 np link).

[This film] showed clearly that Primark was not in compliance with its own ethical guidelines; that children were undeniably being used in the making of some Primark goods; and that Primark sacked a number of suppliers when the findings were brought to their attention (Source: BBC news spokesperson in Robinson 2010 p.3 link).

[Can Primark] make cheap clothing without breaking ethical guidelines (Source: Anon 2011a np link)[?]

In 2005, Primark was voted the most unethical retailer in the UK according to research conducted by Ethical Consumer Magazine (Source: Jones et al 2009, p.933 link).

Primark, founded in Mary Street, Dublin as Penneys, and still trading here under that name, now owns 177 stores in Ireland, Britain and Spain with high volume sales of ‘fast’ fashion. The company claims that over two million people in the developing world depend on Primark. It’s a huge business and with work contracted to low-wage economies such as India’s, meeting enormous orders may put suppliers under pressure to sub-contract to places where no work inspectors go (Source: Anon 2008a np).

Working for The Observer over the past three years, I have helped expose several of the world’s major retailers: Otto-Heine, the largest online fashion retailer in Europe; Esprit, the world’s fifth largest clothing store; and Gap Inc, one of the most iconic modern brands, all for employing children. Each firm, without its knowledge, had used Indian contractors with scant regard for the consequences of subcontracting. In the maze of narrow, mud-bricked lanes that form the spine of Delhi or Bangalore’s poorest market areas, outsiders are highly conspicuous. The tightly packed buildings and heavily secured basements make it difficult to detect what goes on behind closed doors. Some of the units were hidden behind trapdoors, one was in a half-demolished building reached only by a rope ladder. Runners and watchmen are everywhere, protecting illicit drinking dens, brothels and sweatshops. Carrying out an Observer investigation into child labour last year, I was badly beaten for being found inside a sweatshop in the lawless Haryana state border area of northern India. An angry mob chased me through the ancient alleyways, a no man’s land for foreigners and police. They smashed photographic equipment and threatened to kill my translator, who had his eardrum perforated in the attack. According to Bhuwan Ribhu, lawyer with the Global March Against Child Labour, which has had activists murdered by sweatshop gangsters, the fight to expose child labour is increasingly dangerous for both journalists and activists. This, he claims, is one of the key reasons many big names in fashion escape international exposure. ‘What consumers need to understand is it is an impossible task to track down all of these terrible sweatshops and factories employing children, particularly in the garment industry when you need little more than a basement or an attic crammed with children to make a healthy profit. The police have to rely on rare tip-offs because it is difficult to track down child workers. Even before the search parties get to the factories the owners are tipped off and many of the children are cleared out,’ he said. ‘More daring unit owners even hide the children in sacks and in carefully concealed mezzanine floors designed to dodge such raids. We have lost a number of activists, murdered in the course of their duties. Others have been dragged in chains behind cars.’ Now, after a seven-month undercover investigation into India’s sweatshop misery for Panorama, Primark is added to the growing hall of shame of retailers proven to have had children making their clothes (Source: McDougall 2008a p.22 link).

Primark: On the Rack [was] the result of a six-month investigation (Source: Williams 2008 p.3 link).


It built on the BBC3 recent series ‘Blood, Sweat and T-shirts’ (Source: Barbour 2008 np link).

On June 22, 2008, [investigative journalist & Primark: on the Rack producer Dan] McDougall published ‘The Hidden Face of Primark Fashion,’ in The Observer, a British newspaper. He set up his target: ‘When Primark was launched, its flagship store in London’s Oxford Street was besieged by stampeding bargain-hunters and sold more than a million garments in its first 10 days. The opening drew a bigger crowd than that managed by Topshop’s much-hyped launch of its Kate Moss collection, which featured the supermodel herself moodily posing in its windows. Fashion bible Vogue gave a Primark jacket high-end credibility’ … The day after … BBC One broadcast on Panorama ‘Primark: On the Rack’, which showed McDougall’s evidence that Primark’s supply chain included illegal labor activities. BBC executives had approved an hour-long show; most Panorama episodes run half that length (Source: Maroney 2020, p.190-1).

A BBC Panorama team … used hidden cameras to expose the scandal at one of Primark’s major suppliers, Fab and Fabric, in the Indian textile city of Tirapur. One local boss boasted they’d supplied more than TWO MILLION garments to Primark over the last two years. But the British cut-price clothing chain never suspected Fab and Fabric were sub-contracting work to middlemen who employed kids at Bhavanisagar refugee camp, 36 miles from Tirapur (Source: McDougall 2008b np link).

The key chronology of events in the making of the programme … was as follows:
6 November 2007 – First meeting between the Editor of the programme and the Journalist to discuss ideas for a programme.
November 2007 – The decision is made to look at child labour in India and how it relates to the UK high street.
14-23 December 2007 –Journalist’s first trip to India: He travelled to Bangalore in southern India posing as a garment buyer visiting workshops to see how obvious any outsourcing of work might be. During this trip, he visited the workshop, where the Bangalore footage was later filmed, on two different days. He filmed on both occasions.
17-27 February 2008 – The Journalist’s second trip to India: 17-21 February 2008 – Delhi
21-25 February 2008 – Tirupur (including Pollachi)
23 February – In a refugee camp on the outskirts of Tirupur, the Journalist films two children working on the Complainant’s garments.
24 February – In Pollachi, the Journalist finds the Complainant’s sequinned vest tops outsourced to home workers.
25-26 February 2008 – Bangalore
25 February – The Bangalore footage is filmed by the Journalist. This footage shows three children working on the same type of sequinned vest tops which had been filmed in Pollachi.
March 2008 – The decision to make the programme.
April 2008 – The Journalist, Presenter, Producer and a cameraman travel to India to complete the filming for the programme.
7 May 2008 – Complainant first notified of allegations intended to be made in the programme (right of reply process).
June 2008 – The decision to make an hour long programme.
23 June 2008 – Broadcast of the programme (Source: BBC Trust 2011 p.14-15 link).

[A] protest was organised by charity War on Want, ahead of the investigative BBC programme … Panorama, which will air its film, Primark on the rack Monday night. … Hundreds of protestors demonstrated outside Primark’s London office … accusing the clothing firm of behaving irresponsibly. The outsourcing in Indian subcontinent by the UK fashion firms for cheap clothes has ignited a debate on corporate social responsibility and consumer ethics. Activists have urged the UK Government to take action on child labour after Primark fired three of its Indian suppliers who used children. The suppliers had sub-contracted smaller firms, which were using child labour to carry out embroidery and sequin work (Source: Anon 2008c np).

UK bargain fashion retailer Primark has talked down [the] alleged demonstration outside its flagship store in central London ahead of tonight’s much-talked about BBC Panorama documentary ‘Primark: On the Rack’. … Primark said that only 12 protesters took part (Source: Ayling 2008 np).

According to the BBC, the programme was put into the schedule earlier than planned after statements from Primark referring to its content appeared in the press. Primark’s public statements were a response to questions put to the company by the corporation, it said (Source: Dowell 2008 np link).

Discussion / Responses

Primark: On the Rack has prompted a major debate across the internet on the fashion industry and use of child labour. More than 1,000 people emailed the BBC’s Have Your Say debate over the last few days. There has also been fierce discussion across a range of social networking sites and on YouTube (Source: Anon 2008f np link).

Primark has been hit hard on many forum and review sites, blogs, and also on YouTube where there are many videos with comments threads, and much discussion around their ethical stances and claims (Source: Jones et al 2009 np link).

Primark is rightly being exposed over the use of child labour in the finishing of cheap clothes. But as evidence against retailers stacks up, shoppers are kidding themselves if they don’t shoulder some of the blame, says Dan McDougall. The key question behind sweatshop investigations into major corporations like Monday night’s Panorama special on Primark is abundantly clear: do consumers, the UK shoppers who spend billions in the High Street, truly care where their ÂŁ4 hand-finished blouse comes from? The answer, to the shops at least, is yes. And it is reflected in the growth of ethical sourcing policies led by firms like Marks and Spencer. Lucy, like many experts in the field, believes the BBC’s investigation into Primark should now act as a watermark; a line in the sand for both retailers and customers: ‘We’ve had 12 years of excuses from retailers and manufacturers, this now has to change. It is a massive consumer issue. ‘We need to know the real trade-off. If retailers say they can provide clothes for nothing without abusing basic human rights and exploiting workers, we should start asking for some real proof of these rather strange economics’ (Source: McDougall 2008c np link).

Many blog posts appeared on the web [in response to the film], and these were posted by fervent hard-liner protestors on one side and ardent defenders of Primark on the other. Fans of cheap clothing and fashion aided by some of Primark’s present and former staff members by and large sought to defend the company’s position. They formed an online barricade around their favourite fashion brand (Source: Jones et al 2009 p.934 link).


[T]hough I haven’t watched Panorama (or any BBC current affairs output) in twenty years, … by sheer chance I flipped onto this one and was rapidly hooked. I thought it was an excellent show, both at the serious level and by way of accidental humour. At the serious level, although the essential theme was the usual anti-capitalist drivel, I was surprised and delighted that on a couple of occasions the journalist actually asked out loud whether it was possible that all this cheap labour, including the child labour, might not actually be good for the workers, in that it helped put food on the table. Obviously such appalling ideas were rapidly dismissed as absurd, but it was genuinely surprising that such thoughts were uttered at all on the BBC. I found it strangely uplifting, as if the journalist could dimly discern that the whole rationale for his campaigning programme was absurd, but couldn’t quite see why. As for humour, there was a delightful bit where the journo asked some Indian lefty something along the lines mentioned above – ie might not this actually be good for the families, even if we might not like it – and got the splendidly precious response ‘But it’s illegal!’ along with theatrically raised eyebrows. Cut to the next scene, where the journalist is creeping up on a refugee camp to film some appalling act of capitalism, whispering the words ‘the Indian government doesn’t allow filming here, but we’re hoping to get some footage’ (Source: LeeMoore 2011 np link).

[Primark] was invited to appear on the programme, but the firm’s comms chief Geoff Lancaster said he did not feel the broadcaster would present its case in a balanced or fair manner. Instead of talking to the BBC, Primark set up a microsite to speak directly to consumers. Lancaster, head of external affairs for Primark’s parent company Associated British Foods (ABF), said Primark had been involved in a right of reply process with the BBC for six weeks prior to the show airing. ‘It became clear the BBC’s main motivation for giving us a right of reply was to persuade us to give it an interview,’ said Lancaster. ‘We decided that the issue was so complex we needed to speak to people outside the glare of Panorama’s somewhat sensationalist presentation.’ Instead Primark set up a microsite to speak directly to consumers (Source: Magee 2008 np link).

A journalist was brought in to put unscripted questions to Primark director Breege O’Donoghue and the footage was posted on its site at 9pm on Monday, the same time as the BBC documentary was screened. Lancaster said that releasing a statement before the programme aired helped the store to have more control, with headlines focusing on Primark axing the factories rather than child labour accusations. ‘We changed the news reporting because we moved the story on,’ he said. But the BBC dismissed the store’s claims. A spokesman said: ‘The right to reply process was handled in an exemplary fashion and included face-to-face meetings and considerable time for Primark to reply to the programme’s findings. Primark had a fantastic opportunity to be interviewed by the programme and put its argument across but after, by its own admission, a period of internal debate, it decided not to face scrutiny.’ Lancaster is the sole internal press officer, but Primark also uses freelancer Helen Penney. ABF’s retained agency Citigate Dewe Rogerson has been handling media relations and government affairs during the crisis (Source: Magee 2008 np link).

Why the company chose not to have O’Donoghue or someone to respond on the programme, rather than on its website, is its own business. Presumably, it opted for total control, though the images of labouring children, including one of a boy laboriously checking sequins while being told ‘Just get on with the work, little boy,’ could have done with a personal response (Source: Anon 2008a np).

Primark’s top brass feared their brand’s reputation was being sullied. ‘This was not just about Primark,’ said Bob Randall, the head of group security for Associated British Foods, Primark’s parent, which also operates a food-processing division. ‘It’s about a global organization. We have a lot to lose, and our reputation means everything. We had to go the extra mile to recover or prevent further reputation loss.’ Like many companies seeking to mitigate risk, they hired consultants: in this case, lawyers from the English firm Herbert Smith Freehills and public relations experts from Armitage Bucks, also based in England. Armitage Bucks coaches executives on how to appear on television and make confident presentations. Its employees train press officers, and they help clients through crises by choreographing hypotheticals the way politicians are trained to counter attacks by opponents during debates. (Armitage Bucks’s chief media coach is Cheryl Armitage, a former BBC journalist.) Primark decided to independently investigate what it suspected was Panorama’s (and the BBC’s) faulty reporting – before the story metastasized (Source: Maroney 2020, p.192-3).

Where a brand is popular and well known, it is also fair game for criticism. Primark has attracted attention from Panorama and anti-sweat shop protesters who question how its workers are treated in its factories in the developing world. Lancaster says: ‘It’s the classic ‘fame is a doubled edged sword’. There are problems in the developing world, but they are not exclusive to us. Most of our suppliers work for other chains as well. It’s something we take seriously, but we would argue we are unfairly singled out.’ [PR Company head Mark] Perkins says this is one of the risks in presenting your brand as cheap. ‘That’s what you get for talking up your price. People focus on that and will trace it through your supplier chain. The brand gets into the issues of ethics and people start to question the brand’s credentials. If you are going to market yourself on your price, you need to be prepared with a defence.’ [Good Relations CEO Teresa-Anne] Dunleavy believes that, in the recession, Primark’s core shoppers are unlikely to listen to these criticisms, but adds it may present a bigger problem in the long term (Source: Magee 2010 np link).

The BBC has cleared Panorama, its flagship current affairs programme, of faking a key scene in a documentary about clothing retailer Primark after a 22-month investigation. The programme, Primark: On the Rack, was broadcast in June 2008 following a joint investigation by Panorama and the Observer. However, the corporation’s editorial complaints unit (ECU) has criticised Panorama for ‘inaccuracies in the scene’ that showed boys in a Bangalore workshop making Primark clothes. A BBC spokesman said the unit had found the sequence ‘was not subject to sufficient scrutiny by the Panorama team. … and should not have been relied on in the programme’. The finding is likely to enrage senior BBC journalists, who have hit out at the corporation’s complaints procedure, accusing it of caving in to powerful companies. The ruling follows a complaint from the retailer after the programme was broadcast. Primark could not be contacted for comment last night but, under BBC rules, it is free to take its complaint to the BBC Trust, the corporation’s governing body (Source: Robinson 2010 p.3 link).

Primark bosses complained about the show – Primark: On the Rack – shortly after it was screened in June 2008. The BBC’s own complaints department had cleared the programme of any wrongdoing last April. But yesterday the BBC Trust partially upheld the complaint – but said the central allegation about the use of child labour remains true. Alison Hastings, chair of the Trust’s ESC, said: ‘While it’s important to recognise the programme did find evidence that Primark was contravening its own ethical guidelines, there were still serious failings in the making of the programme.’ She added it failed to meet the required ‘highest standards of accuracy’ expected (Source: Anon 2011b np link).

When the clothing retailer originally complained that the segment – which showed young boys in Bangalore making clothes – was faked, the BBC’s editorial complaints unit held an inquiry into the complaint and cleared the programme makers. Primark then appealed to the Trust. It responded with a lengthy, and apparently painstaking, investigation, which included sending a representative to India. That investigation by the Trust’s editorial standards committee could not discover, one way or the other, whether the film was faked or not. It states: ‘The committee considered that there was not one piece of irrefutable and conclusive evidence which would enable it to say for certain (ie, beyond reasonable doubt) whether the footage was or was not staged. However, the committee was not required to reach a view beyond reasonable doubt… Having carefully scrutinised all of the relevant evidence, the committee concluded that, on the balance of probabilities, it was more likely than not that the Bangalore footage was not authentic’ (Source: Greenslade 2011 np link).

Primark has long been pursuing grievances about the documentary, which investigated the retailer’s claims that it can deliver ‘cheap, fast fashion’ without breaking ethical guidelines. It lodged a complaint about footage in a Bengaluru workshop of three boys described as testing stitching on Primark garments. The [BBC Trust’s Editorial Standards] committee said evidence showed that ‘it was more likely than not that the footage was not genuine’ (Source: Robinson & Sweney 2011 np link).

Primark believed from the outset this footage could not be genuine and brought it to the attention of the BBC programme team both before and after the broadcast, to the attention of the BBC director-general after broadcast, and then to the attention of the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit (the ‘ECU’), also after broadcast, in 2008. None of these strong representations were taken as seriously as they should have been given the gravity of the accusation. In July 2009 the ECU reopened its inquiry into Primark’s complaint after the company submitted a substantial quantity of fresh evidence that gave rise to further grave concern over the authenticity of the footage used in the programme (Source: Primark nd np link).

[Bob Randall’s] investigation of the BBC’s reporting was among his first large projects for ABF, which has annual sales of about $19 billion, operations in nearly fifty countries, and more than 100,000 employees. Most of his work involved expanding and strengthening ABF’s security protocols. … One of Randall’s early achievements for his first private-sector employer was to assemble a network of security and investigative personnel to protect and defend the company’s reputation using a global lattice of specialized contractors. A British outfit called Diligence was in that network, and Ian Casewell led Randall’s operation for Diligence. … Casewell’s assignment from Randall was broad, he told me during a series of conversations. He was tasked with identifying who sanctioned and funded ‘Primark: On the Rack,’ who reported and produced it, and whether any independent production companies were involved. Randall wanted to know if the BBC sent investigative journalists to India specifically for the show and if any local contacts were used. He also wondered if an NGO or a Primark competitor had fed the BBC counterfeit information. Casewell’s priority, however, was to find the three boys featured in the Panorama piece sewing the brown sequined tops in Bangalore, a crucial and effective visual that Primark suspected was not authentic. ‘Let me manage your expectations here,’ he remembers telling Randall. ‘You are asking us to find three unidentified Indian boys in a country with a population of more than a billion people?’ ‘Yes, we’re asking you to do that,’ replied Randall. ‘And you might start by figuring out where McDougall operated and retrace his footsteps’ (Source: Maroney 2020, 193 & 195).

Primark [led] the [Editorial Standards Committee] …to examine tapes, emails and witness evidence from the location (Source: Ayling 2011 np link).

The … Editorial Standards Committee examined evidence such as the unedited ‘rushes’ of the programme and emails to the production team from the freelance journalist Dan McDougall, who obtained the footage. Yesterday’s ruling noted six points that indicated the footage might not be genuine in the 45-second clip. This included the size of needles used, which it was claimed would have been ‘inappropriate’ for ‘delicate’ work they were doing. The BBC Trust also found it odd that in the Bangalore scene there appeared to be no other garments visible in shot which would be unusual if it was a ‘quality control process’. It added that the way it had been filmed with a tight focus on the boys and less on their surrounding environment added to concerns. There were also said to be ‘inconsistencies’ in the evidence such as the email trail (Source: Revoir 2011 np link).

A video on Primark’s website claims journalist Dan McDougall bought the tops from a woman in Tirupur in February 2008. The boys claim he asked them to ‘move your hand on this’ to make it look as though they were working on the garments (Source: Methven 2011a p.6).

Comments are turned off (Source: primarkvids 2011, np link).

He allegedly sent an email the same day to his panorama bosses informing them he had filmed children aged between nine and 13 ‘handbeading sequinned women’s tops’ for Atmosphere, a Primark brand. But he actually filmed the boys the following day, 300km away in Bangalore, as exposed by the date code on the footage. Primark tracked down the boys, who claim that he asked them to ‘move your hand on this’ to make it look as though they were working on the garments. ‘This shows he planned to fake the footage,’ the video claims (Source: Methven 2011b p.8 link).

The team had viewed the unedited ‘rushes’ and emails to producers from the freelance journalist Dan McDougall, who obtained the footage. The ruling – disputed vigorously by Mr McDougall – noted six points that indicated the scene might have been faked, including the size of needles and the fact no other garments were visible (Source: Hickman 2011 p.22).

The 45-second scene in question showed three boys in Bangalore ‘testing the stitching’ on some clothes. However, they were working on sequinned vest tops which had already been seen in another location – which the Trust deemed ‘improbable’. The large needles used in the footage – filmed by reporter Dan McDougall – would also be inappropriate for the delicate sequin work, it said. And they felt the tight camera focus on the boys also gave away that the footage was faked (Source: Anon 2011b np link).

Shah [an Indian private investigator hired by Primark to find the boys who tested the sequins] showed [them] the film, which they had never seen, and spent a few hours with them. He took photographs of them, so he could prove to [Primark] that he had found the three boys he had been looking for among the hundreds of millions in India. The investigation had been going on for more than a year at this point. Soham [a sweatshop owner he found] explained that his workshop specialized in embroidery work for women’s shoes and that his employees did not manufacture garments and were not even capable of such work. He confirmed that McDougall visited his shop on February 25, 2008, spoke with his employees, including the three boys, recorded video of them at work, and then left. Soham told Shah that McDougall gave the boys brown sequined vests – the same vests McDougall bought … the day before in Pollachi, near Tirupur, three hundred kilometers south – ‘and asked them to pretend to work on [them] while he filmed.’ In his affidavit, Khaled [McDougall’s driver] stated he ‘translated this into Hindi for the boys and said something like ‘do this action’ and made an up and down action with my hand which the boys copied.’ Khaled also confessed that he helped McDougall further construct his ruse. At McDougall’s request, Khaled instructed the boys to ‘keep quiet’ and ‘continue working,’ which can be heard in the film and seen in English subtitles. Khaled said the whole video was ‘staged’ (Source: Maroney 2020, p.206).

Shah [then] arranged for Casewell [from dilegence, hired by Primark to investigate McDougall’s investination] to meet with the three boys in a hotel conference room in Bangalore. Casewell set up a video camera and recorded the interview with them. (He spent hours preparing with Primark’s lawyers to ensure that any questions he asked were not leading and so would be admissible as evidence in a British legal proceeding.) In the interview, one boy identifies McDougall from a photograph Casewell gives him. Casewell also hands the boy a Primark vest, and the boy says McDougall told him to pretend to work on it. Another of the boys tells Casewell that before he met McDougall, he had never worked on such a garment. All three boys said they specialized in women’s footwear – not sequined tops (Source: Maroney 2020, p.208).

Primark used the crisis communications firm Armitage Bucks, in part, to produce Casewell’s video to rebut Panorama’s version of events. It was posted on a website that included included a Primark statement and a timeline, and it can still be found on YouTube. Armitage Bucks’s strategy was to flood the public domain with evidence exposing how Primark was victimized and what it did to counter the attack on its reputation. The goal of such a media strategy is to ensure not only that threats are addressed in real time (often directly to the public, instead of through the filter of a journalist) but also that any misinformation is parried into oblivion (Source: Maroney 2020, p.213-4).

Instead of accepting the BBC’s invitation to answer the accusations levelled against them, Primark decided to go to the web and talk directly to their clients thus bypassing the mass media channel. They built a micro-site to answer the BBC’s negative exposure and sought to address and assure consumers directly in a web-only strategy. The site was launched at the same time that the BBC programme went on air (Source: Barbour 2008 np link).

Primark’s response to the BBC Trust’s findings has been packaged up on a microsite, which includes the statement along with a video explaining Primark’s case and a timeline of events. Primark’s long-standing retained agency Citigate Dewe Rogerson was issuing links to this microsite to the media yesterday (Source: Cartmell 2011 np link).

The website explains how this happened and what Primark had to do to expose this false claim and clear our name (Source: Primark 2011a np link).

Take a look at Primark’s mini site here. Click to enter.

The BBC said Primark used these three boys to make these three Brown tops. It was a lie concocted by this man, producer Dan McDougall. … The BBC Trust has found Dan McDougall guilty of faking the video of the boys and that everyone now knows the truth (Source: primarkvids 2011, np link).

A short clip showing three boys testing stitching in a workshop in Bangalore, India, should not have been included in the 2008 special – Primark: On The Rack, the BBC Trust’s editorial standards committee found … The BBC has apologised to Primark and viewers but clothing bosses remain upset that ‘millions of people’ were deceived. A Primark spokesman said the BBC announcement was ‘extraordinary’. Award-winning filmmaker Dan McDougall ‘vigorously’ rejected the ‘unjust’ and ‘flawed’ findings of the inquiry. He said: ‘I have rarely seen a finding so unjust in outcome, flawed in process and deeply damaging to independent investigative journalism’ (Source: Garner 2011 np link).

Paul Lister of Associated British Foods, Primark’s parent company, said: ‘The BBC is guilty of fabrication. This programme was premised on a lie. We feel vindicated and we are delighted that after three years of pursuing this issue, the BBC Trust has finally confirmed the film was fake’ (Source: Gloger 2011 p.17 link).

Primark added that it did not accept that some other footage used in the film was genuine but decided not to pursue the matter relating that particular imagery further (Source: Shields 2011 np link).

The confirmation that faked material was broadcast by Panorama is extraordinary. Millions of people have been deceived by Panorama. Viewers who watched the programme, shoppers who were then fed the lie, sourcing experts who believed the lie, teachers and pupils who viewed the programme in lessons, have all been badly let down. Primark welcomes the decision of the BBC Trust which confirms that Panorama: ‘Primark on the Rack’, was based on fabrication and was littered with poor journalistic practices. Panorama simply did not find child labour involved in the Primark supply chain as the programme sought to suggest but relied on fabricated footage to air a programme otherwise based on prejudice. Primark was forced to carry out its own investigation into the allegations made by the programme and, based on this, and staggeringly based on evidence in the possession of the BBC even prior to broadcast, Primark demonstrated the lie underpinning the programme. Primark has had to persevere and pursue the matter for a period of 3 years. Only now after 4 official investigations by the BBC has Primark been vindicated … Primark notes that Dan McDougall, the journalist at the centre of the programme, alone took similar footage of a boy and a girl in a refugee camp … the company does not accept that footage as genuine, nor that it is evidence of child labour in Primark’s supply chain, but the company does not intend to pursue this matter further at this stage … The company remains wholly committed to ensuring that its customers can continue to shop at Primark confident in its commitment to its ethics and its values. To this end the company continues to work hard to improve working practices among its suppliers and these steps have been recognised by NGOs expert in the field (Source: Primark nd np link).

Yesterday, Channel 4 News presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy predicted that the BBC would dispute Primark’s ‘scathing’ press release. However, the BBC has, as yet, only issued a response to the ruling itself. Its statement read: ‘The BBC accepts the Trust ruling that there were serious breaches in its editorial procedures in the preparation of the Panorama programme Primark – On The Rack’ (Source: Cartmell 2011 np link).

What outrageous lies by Primark. They’re cherry picking tiny bits of the report. The trust found in favour of Panorama initially. Primark then appealed on some issues. Primark are far from vindicated and are abusing the BBC complaints procedure (Source: Tan 2011 np link).

In its findings, the trust said that there was no irrefutable evidence that the footage was faked, adding that only the freelance journalist in the field, his translator and the witness ‘would ever know the truth of the circumstances under which the footage was shot’. Dan McDougall, the journalist responsible for the footage … said at the time of the verdict last week that he was appalled by the decision. ‘In the BBC Trust’s own words, there is not ‘one piece of irrefutable and conclusive evidence’ to support the allegation that the sequence in the programme had been staged,’ he said (Source: Leroux 2011 np).

Senior BBC journalists have accused Primark of abusing the complaints procedure and tying the BBC down in an expensive legal battle. They say privately that the company lobbied senior figures, including the director general, Mark Thompson, to ensure the programme was investigated (Source: Robinson 2010 p.3 link).

[Primark’s Paul] Lister … criticised the BBC for taking so long to find in its favour when evidence casting doubt on some of the video material has been in the corporation’s possession since before the documentary first aired in 2008. ‘The point we would make is it didn’t need to take three years … they had the evidence, this could have been solved in three weeks,’ he said. ‘Primark has become the poster boy of child labour in the UK’ (Source: Sweney 2011 np link).

[BBC News staff] argue that interested parties can continue to raise objections about programmes even after their initial complaints have been rejected, effectively using the system to lodge objections until they obtain the judgment they were seeking (Source: Robinson 2011 np link).

Committee chairman Alison Hastings said: ‘The programme did find evidence that Primark contravened its own ethical guidelines – but there were still serious failings in the making of the programme’ (Source: Methven 2011a p.6).

We looked at a specific piece of footage of three boys, and found more likely than not that this was not genuine. We did not make a judgment about other child labour footage, which did not come to us on appeal (Source: Hastings 2011 p.42 link).

There was an interesting debate on The Guardian’s website this week where one of its bloggers stood up for the BBC’s now discredited Panorama programme on Primark. Almost every comment sided with Primark. When the Guardianistas are doing that, you know something’s gone wrong, so it’s good the BBC was ordered to apologise. Fashion retailers know better than anyone the difficulties that come with modern supply chains, and no one can afford to be complacent. But the programme betrayed the bias against big business in general and fast fashion in particular in some sections of our national media. Primark’s forensic investigation of the allegations is a textbook example of how retailers can fight back (Source: Danaher 2011 np link).

[D]efenders of the programme pointed out the BBC Trust agreed that overall the programme had obtained ‘clear evidence’ work was being outsourced from other factories in India which contravened Primark’s ethical trading principles. David Thomson of international aid agency World Vision stressed the ‘key concern’ should be that ‘Panorama proved Primark was breaking its own policies’ (Source: Revoir 2011 np link).

David Thomson of aid agency World Vision said the ‘key concern’ should be that ‘Panorama proved that Primark was breaking its own policies’. He added: ‘This is the issue on which we should all be focusing. Primark is in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water’ (Source: Dex 2011 np link).

War on Want is disappointed at the BBC Trust’s ruling yesterday that the BBC should apologise over a clip of its 2008 Panorama documentary ‘Primark: On the Rack’. The film showed some of India’s poorest people working long, gruelling hours on Primark clothes in slum workshops and refugee camps, and underlined the importance of decent working conditions in the fight to end poverty worldwide. … War on Want was not directly involved in [the 45 second] clip and cannot comment specifically on it. But War on Want did feature in the film, and reaffirms that its broader finding was correct: that Primark suppliers were exploiting workers who were made to work long hours for minimal pay. Indeed, we released our own extensive research to this effect in two reports, in 2006 and 2008 – the second published not long after the Panorama film.War on Want is disappointed at the aggressive pursuit of the BBC by Primark’s lawyers, and believes the company’s resources would be better spent improving workers’ rights in its supply chain. Furthermore, the dispute over the information of what actually happened in Bangalore – which the BBC Trust could not conclusively resolve either way – only strengthens War on Want’s urgent call for the UK government to establish an independent regulator with investigative and punitive powers (Source: War on Want 2011 np link).

Media regulator Ofcom, rather than the BBC, should have the final say over complaints about impartiality and accuracy with the corporation’s programmes, according to a House of Lords committee report (Source: Conlan 2011 np link).

[Primark: on the rack presenter Tom Heap:] I do not believe that a single frame of ‘Primark: on the Rack’ was not authentic. Evidence that Primark broke its own guidelines on outsourcing and employing children was painstakingly assembled by some of Panorama’s most experienced journalists. This is confirmed in the Trusts findings. But they also allege that some of the footage filmed by Dan McDougall was staged. I do not believe this. Dan is a highly respected and award winning journalist who has worked with national newspapers and broadcasters. I never had any reason to doubt his credibility and neither do others I have spoken to who work with him. I am very disappointed that the BBC Trust has chosen not to trust a Panorama team of such calibre (Source: Heap 2011 np link).

The decision by the BBC Trust to uphold at least part of the complaint against Panorama over its programme on Primark is baffling. It goes against natural justice to find against the journalist and producers on what it calls ‘the balance of probabilities.’ Dan McDougall is an intrepid, award-winning investigative reporter with a superb record in exposing human rights violations. Frank Simmonds is an experienced producer who has been responsible for many important revelatory Panorama programmes. Yet this so-called judgment – which requires the corporation to apologise for the documentary – puts a black mark against their names on the most tenuous of grounds. Having studied the report, I believe the Trust has got this wholly wrong … But let’s stick to the single matter on which the Trust has pronounced its verdict – 45 seconds of filmed material in the hour-long documentary about the alleged use of child labour (Source: Greenslade 2011 np link).

‘Dan McDougall … ‘was’ [an intrepid, award-winning investigative reporter], Roy [Greenslade]. If Auntie [BBC] – not the Daily Mail mind, but Auntie – comes within an ace of directly accusing you of fabricating your story, your audience is bound to begin to wonder how many of those human rights violations you ‘exposed’ were put up jobs. In any event, I don’t think we need to get too excited about it. Although I am sure that scrupulously honest ‘investigative reporters’ exist, most neutral observers would tend to associate the ideas of ‘investigative reporter’ and ‘agitprop activist with a camera’ and would adjust their expectations of honesty accordingly (Source: LeeMoore 2011 np link).

[N]ot to put too fine a point on it, the [BBC] Trust is accusing McDougall of unethical behaviour. And it is doing so after admitting it lacks certainty. No wonder McDougall has issued a statement saying he is ‘appalled by the decision.’ He added: ‘I have rarely seen a finding so unjust in outcome, flawed in process, and deeply damaging to independent investigative journalism.’ It would not surprise me in the least if McDougall were to seek a judicial review. He may even contemplate an action for libel. He is the Sunday Times Africa correspondent and has made other Panorama programmes. He is a former British foreign correspondent of the year and has won three Amnesty awards. It should also be noted that in a further investigation into Primark – published six months after the Panorama documentary – McDougall exposed the company for employing illegal immigrants in a UK sweatshop, a story published in the News of the World and the Observer (Source: Greenslade 2011 np link).

This is fascinating, but I sorry Roy [Greenslade], I think you’re to be way off the mark. The Guardian articles which I have glanced through seem to fudge some of the facts, but the rebuttal video from Primark doesn’t pull any punches … They quite simply accuse McDougall of fabricating some of the most damaging footage in the programme. If they are lying then he should sue … immediately. If he obtained the material from a 3rd party and doubted it’s veracity then he should come clean (Source: Tellymonster 2011a np link).

Roy Greenslade elides over the facts that there was an independent editorial adviser who crawled over the material and that multiple telling inconsistencies were identified that were not readily explicable, including in Mr McDougall’s own testimony. On reading the report, the decision is if anything charitable in not holding that the matter was beyond all reasonable doubt. I’ll make a prediction: if Mr McDougall sues for libel, he will ruin his own reputation. If he has any sense, he will go quietly now while he has willing dupes like Roy Greenslade still willing to fight his corner (Source: antifrank 2011 np link).

Roy looks to be absolutely off the mark here. Primark’s own investigative video, available at is a real eye-opener into the fakery. From the video, the BBC Trust look to be absolutely right on this and Dan McDougall is rightly exposed (Source: johnjm 2011 np link).

Having read the Trust report, while they can’t be 100%, the journalist’s account seems collectively to be contradictory and implausible. He can’t explain why he flew 300 miles and happened to stumble across the same clothes he’d seen in a workshop the previous day. He can’t explain why he’d swapped tapes to record that footage on a tape of Primark material when he shouldn’t have known when he started filming that there would be Primark clothes there (if there were). One one occasion he changes his explanation for something which then makes his explanation of another factor contradictory. He can’t explain why, if these boys were working on piles of Primark clothes, he’s only filmed three items – all of which are identical to clothes he’d handled the previous day and could easily have carried with him. He may well be respected for his newspaper work, but would that work stand scrutiny now? After all, print journalists rely often on nothing more than their own contemporaneous notes (of which he makes few). Why did he refuse to speak to the investigators? Sorry, but if the subject of a Panorama investigation behaved this way, you’d be led to only one conclusion. And the words ‘we asked for a response but he refused to comment’ would be left to damn him (Source: 5nowball2 2011a np link).

Can 5nowball2 account for the rest of the film (the overwhelming evidence) that children were found in Indian sweatshops making clothes for the retailer by the SAME Journalist. ….. little wonder most consumers still think the retailer is unethical – the same journo as pointed out by Greenslade also found sweatshop in Manchester in another investigation – sounds like a case of pure revenge to me … and trying to stop Journo’s exposing their unethical practices (Source: emilynew 2011a np link).

I don’t need to. I’m not defending whether or not Primark sold clothes manufactured in sweatshops. My point is whether the journalist fabricated the clip and the evidence is strong enough for the committee to conclude that he did. 100% sure, no. Beyond reasonable doubt, who knows? But strong enough for balance of probabilities certainly. As for other evidence that the SAME journalist found. I’m sorry, but once he’s been found to have fabricated evidence on one matter, I would probably want corroboration from another journo or first hand evidence (Source: 5nowball2 2011b np link).

What about the other children that featured in THE REST OF THE ONE HOUR film that Primark admitted were making their clothes ?? Wasn’t that done by the same Journo ? pretty defamatory video by the retailer by the way – the journo should sue – damaging to Journalism I agree (Source: emilynew 2011b np link).

Nothing wrong with the other 3,555 seconds in the programme apparently (Source: Nimmykins 2011 np link).

@nimmykins: … Interesting take on the matter. I can see murderers using it as a fail-safe defence in court; ‘Yes, I did kill him. But every other day in my life has been homicide-free’ (Source: Bushmills 2011 np link).

It was a really interesting and well made film and probably worthy of the awards it won, but this blog is about the apparent fabrication of evidence … a very serious charge. This is not about the guilt of Primark. It’s about about an award winning journalist being accused of making things up for broadcast on this country most high profile current affairs programme. Are you going to respond Roy (Source: Tellymonster 2011a np link)?

Roy, you are plain wrong to say that the BBC Editorial Complaints Unit cleared the programme-makers. The report says clearly that the ECU said there was ‘an unresolved question about the authenticity of the disputed material’, that it had ‘not been adequately verified before it was transmitted… a breach of both the accuracy and fairness editorial guidelines’, that the Panorama journalists had given the impression that they ‘were in possession of other material which authenticated it when in fact they were not’ and that ‘The programme was inaccurate in that it created a misleading impression in relation to the viewers’ understanding of what they were seeing in the Bangalore footage.’ If that’s being cleared, I’d hate to see them found guilty (Source: evetsb 2011 np link).

I respect Roy Greenslade, but I don’t agree with him at all. Read the full report! It’s quite clear there are huge problems with Dan McDougall’s footage in Bangalore. His emails at the time, and the fact that he mystteriously swapped tapes in his camera don’t help support his case. He shouldn’t have been allowed to do this secret filming on his own, with insufficient supervision. But worst of all is that the Panorama team refused to be interviewed by the BBC’s own investigator, unless they were all seen as a group accompanied by a lawyer! Dan McDougall also wouldn’t be interviewed. What does Roy Greenslade make of that (Source: Bystander57 2011 np link)?

The BBC Trust’s unequivocal finding of inaccuracy is predictably accompanied by a hymn of praise to the corporation’s ‘great investigative journalism’. The implication is that the Primark programme represented a highly unusual lapse. That may be true, in so far as the BBC is rarely careless enough to use faked material. Yet, when it comes to the reporting of business in general, errors of judgment are almost invariably skewed in one direction: towards the evils – real, imagined or exaggerated – of capitalism. Again and again, the BBC presents anti-business lobby groups as impartial ‘experts’ in stories involving multinational corporations and the environment. In contrast, it is hard to imagine a pro-business lobby being afforded the same status in a report on the damage to people’s lives caused by the throttling of enterprise by European regulations. That is, of course, a theoretical example: we cannot recall any such programme ever being made. But the Panorama documentary was not theoretical: a thriving business was put on the rack by dishonest journalism (Source: Anon 2011c np link).

Like all clothing retailers, Primark knows that sourcing in the developing world is difficult and needs constant care to ensure the best possible working conditions.  But this film was a deliberate mischaracterisation of Primark’s business, its supply chain, and its ethics. Sensationalising these issues by the use of fabricated journalism harms the very people whose lives retailers, trade unions and NGOs are all working to improve. Panorama can be a fine maker of documentaries and, at its best, it is to be applauded, but the programme carries responsibilities which were disregarded. This lapse was compounded by the BBC’s complaints process. It is now for others to decide what steps should be taken at the BBC. But Primark hopes that no other individual or company is again subjected to such deception and ill-treatment (Source: Primark nd np link).

Primark’s prices are low because we don’t rip off our customers. Most of our clothes are bought from the same factories as other fashion retailers and people producing them are paid exactly the same whatever the label and whatever the price in the shop. We are able to offer good value and good quality because of low mark-ups and big volumes. We use simple designs, our overhead costs are extremely low and we don’t run expensive advertising campaigns. The issues highlighted by Panorama are industry wide and that is why Primark works with governments, leading campaigners, retailers and industry bodies to try to solve them (Source: Primark 2008 np link).

Paul Lister, Primark’s legal chief, … said that Primark is one of the ‘top few’ members of the Ethical Trading Initiative – which has members including Marks & Spencer and Tesco – in terms of standards. He added that more than 98% of the suppliers the company used are ‘shared by leading UK, European and Bond Street retailers’. ‘It is a continuous path of improvement we have made great progress,’ he said. ‘It is difficult sourcing out of the developing world. We are on a journey, we will always be on a journey’ (Source: Sweney 2011 np link).

[Lister] said that Primark undertook thousands of audits a year to ensure that child labour was not used within its supply chain, and the company had never previously found that such practices were used to make its clothing (Source: Ahmed 2011 p.6).

Much as I disagree with the use of child labour etc. I think this was a poorly timed expose by Panorama/BBC. The British retail sector is in dire need of consumer support at the moment to arrest the credit slide. Auntie Beeb [a BBC nickname] slamming into one of our leading high street retailers is not the greatest move ever made (Source: Niles 2008 np link).

However the filming was staged, the bigger truth is that Primark and other retailers exploit child labour. Panorama has helped to bring home this truth graphically so that we can all decide whether ÂŁ1 a tee shirt is actually too cheap (Source: keepcalm 2011 np link).

But most firms are at it. Why Panorama picked on Primark – I’ve no idea. It’s irresponsible by the Beeb (Source: Goalshan602 2008 np link).

It’s just an example. You can’t make a million programmes about all companies. However, Primark claim that they are ethical when they’re not (Source: nishath_786 2008 np link).

I think we have known about Primark, I never have used the shop at all, this may well have been one program with a problem the sad fact the majority of the program was spot on. Like it or not this company has a habit of being named on TV for it’s record (Source: treborc1 2011 np link).

I watched the programme, dunno why they singled out Primark cos they’re all at it and they always will be … exploitation of the poorest … But still … at least the people are earning something more than nothing (Source: Seperatist 2008 np link).

[A]t every step, [the film’s presenter Tom Heap] made clear that Primark aren’t the only culprits and that other more expensive stores are doing the same thing. Surely, as consumers, we deserve to hear all the shops named and shamed? Only then can we make educated purchasing decisions. And even then, apparently, we aren’t supposed to boycott the shops that fail to safeguard workers, for fear of putting those vulnerable people out of work altogether. So what ought we to do? Well, this was where the programme really fell down. They had to admit that they simply didn’t know. And after an hourlong documentary, neither did I (Source: Wright 2008 p.23).

It’s easy to jump on a bandwagon but the problem is not exclusive to Primark, and no matter what regulations are introduced or shopper pressure brought about, as long as we demand clothing for low low prices this will continue to happen. Also keep in mind that the money those children earn might also be the only money their family get, what is needed are realistic expectations from us as consumers and a concerted ethical drive from retail as a whole (not that ridiculous ethical trade agreement) – after all if just one retailer puts prices up to cover higher labour costs, they’ll quickly go out of business, it has to be industry-wide (Source: quikshop 2008 np link).

Do you ask Top Shop, Next, M&S, Asos or any other fashion retailer where their clothing comes from and who makes it (Source: quikshop 2008 np link)?

I know Monsoon get much of their clothes made in India, and even if they are paying them minimum wage it’s still hardly anything in comparison with their prices. So they are ripping us off, and may be unethical too. Some people justify it by saying at least they are getting a wage. I don’t buy much from Primark, but I have warned people against it the past few days. I don’t know whether that was right though, it’s confusing (Source: siddy_06 2008 np link)!

Yet another program for Consumers on a revenge path … How dare that reporter incline towards that woman [shopping] in anyway that it’s her fault for buying clothes from Primark. I’m not one for child labour but at the end of the day, people in better off positions are there because of people that are less well off. She’s no more to blame than the reporter who showed her the video, we’re all part of the system. That lady and everyone else who buy Primark clothes can’t necessarily afford to buy top of the range clothes from next or topshop. Even then, who can guarantee that anything unethical doesn’t happen there (Source: Maddox 2008 np link)?

[W]here do you think a 3 quid t-shirt comes from? … If you bought clothes that cheap, unless you were a massive dimwit you just didn’t want to think about why it was that cheap did you? … To criticise Panorama is absolutely pathetic, if that programme makes a few people realise that the reason those &%$¹£ clothes at Primark are so cheap for a reason, then job done as far as I’m concerned (Source: machinesoul 2008 np link).

Heard the news? Three quid tops are made using third world child labour – why hasn’t anyone told us this before? I never knew capitalism was based upon exploitation. Next thing they’ll be telling us that hereditary government is counter-democratic and that religion is a form of social control dressed up as morality. I dunno, it’s getting harder to be idealistic these days (Source: CafĂŠ del Lar 2008 np link).

Unfortunately being forced to move their manufacturing abroad because customers just want cheap items for the High Street, someone always has to pay. Consumers have a big part in playing to give people in the Third world a better life (Source: Gordon 2008 np link).

[B]oycott primark (Source: Illuminate 2008 np link).

It’s true that if enough people are prepared to boycott these stores then we might get some positive action, it’s consumer led either way. … me? i’m going elsewhere for my boxers and socks (Source: Seperatist 2008 np link).

So your solution is don’t buy cheap goods and they can all starve in quite dignity while you maintain a clean conscious by not exploiting child labor (Source: cubanbob 2011 np link).

I did actually say to hubby that no matter how sad it is these families would not get the money if everyone boycotted shopping there. They won’t anyway, there is a new Primark opening in our city and it is the talk everywhere you go, people can’t wait (Source: andrea w. 2008 np link).

This is what I am trying to get people to do but it’s like banging your head against a brick wall. I will try writing to them too, as it said in the programme that boycotting them alone may not have much impact (Source: siddy_06 2008 np link).

[A]ccording to fashion buyer Sarah Murray, of Thistle Street store Jane Davidson, our appetite for pile ’em high and sell ’em cheap clothing is waning. ‘There has definitely been a shift and I think the media awareness surrounding the way these clothes are made has helped a great deal,’ she says. ‘It’s no longer fashionable now to buy unethical clothes. ‘A couple of years back it was almost cool to reveal just how little your outfit really cost when someone commented on how great you looked, but actually it’s not cool – especially when you realise that a child working in horrific conditions made it. ‘So there is most definitely a backlash. That’s not to say everyone is going to rush out and buy designer, but people are becoming more conscientious and discerning. Let’s face it, you can’t make clothes for that money unless you do that’ (Source: Howden 2008 p.1 link).

Of course there is the intelligent vocal consumer, but we are overwhelmed by the masses who simply buy what fashion or their peer group tell them to! If people are so uneducated as to buy and feed themselves much of the muck that supermarkets call food, how are they going to be persuaded to make an informed decision about labour conditions 5,000 miles away. Especially when it means paying ÂŁ10 rather than ÂŁ2 (Source: Mallett 2008 np link)!

What are we meant to dooo?! I wish someone would tell me 😐 If I get what I would buy from another shop, who can guarentee they are not doing the same thing (Source: siddy_06 2008 np  link)?!!

Please everyone shop ethically (Source: Gordon 2008 np link).

So what guidance do we have when it comes to shopping for clothes if reputable concerns like Gap and Primark have been found to use unethical labour? There is Fair Trade clothing around, and its best to find ‘end-to-end’ fair Trade manufacture not just Fair Trade Cotton. Otherwise, the only way is to ask for an assurance from your supplier (Source: Peter 2008 np link).

Either make all your own clothes (but then, make sure you make all the material yourself as well), grow all your own food, provide all your own energy, live on an island in isolation from the entire human population and therefore forego all technology, entertainment and medical science or SHUT THE *%$§ UP. Personally, I’m almost blind without my contact lenses or glasses, and I quite like playing records and making electricity-based music, so I’ll stick it out in the real world. All these single issues seem to be based on the idea ‘If only these people didn’t exploit the third world then everything would be hunky dory’. Our entire civilisation is based upon exploitation, whether it’s here or elsewhere. That’s just how it works, how it’s always worked since we progressed beyond small tribal societies. Not shopping at Primark and boycotting other selected scapegoats is going to make F%$§ ALL difference, all it does is give the boycotter an opportunity to feel erroneously self-righteous, as with the environmentalism fallacy. What’s also worth noting is that the combination of the military and capitalism is responsible for most new technology. Basically, if you ever listen to music, watch TV, use any kind of medicine, use a computer (as I presume you’re doing to read this) then don’t complain about Primark. By focussing on specific examples, you miss the point that it is technological / industrial society as a whole which ENGENDERS these problems. Unless you’re gonna go all Unabomber and actively seek to destroy technological society, things like the Primark issue etc. etc. are gonna pop up all the time. The faces change, the problems remain the same. As I said, unless you utterly reject all industrial society, then your efforts are essentially token gestures, however well-meaning they might be. Essentially, our very scientific / technological / ‘progressive’ nature means that we have billions more people alive than we can possibly sustain long-term. Our very nature has the seeds of our own destruction built in it, and we have a hard time accepting that. ‘The Matrix’ has it spot on with the guy who *knows* what’s going on, but hey, he likes steak so he accepts it. Replace ‘steak’ with anything – music, films, sport, medical science, anything that doesn’t physically grow out of the ground or occur naturally, whatever … there’s always something that people won’t give up, and so they accept the situation and try to justify or ignore it. Basically, people don’t like to think of themselves as contributing towards anything bad, so they find scapegoats to shoulder the guilt for us all and attempt to distance themselves from it. It’s a natural human trait (Nietzsche talks about similar things in ‘The Genealogy of Morals’ when he goes on about ‘resentment’, or ‘slave morality’) (Source: peej 2008 np link).

So the argument is ‘make your own clothes or stop whining about child labour’ right? my missus used to work in a factory making clothes for Marks’s in the 80s and spent all her wages on clothes (not the ones she made by the way) so she was being exploited in the production process and exploiting those in the same profession. Her factory closed and the work transferred to India 20 years ago and as an internationalist, I’m not arsed about where these products are made just as I’m not arsed if it’s a cockney or an Indian call centre drone taking my call – but as a (former) trade union activist I think it’s important that unless we replace global capitalism with global socialism (not likely) then at least let’s try and protect worker’s living conditions and ensure that the most vulnerable in society aren’t exploited – of course all capitalism is based on exploitation but there are degrees of exploitation. By the way my missus was in Primark on Saturday and I was in microzine – still all produced in third world sweat shops whatever the label (Source: CafĂŠ del Lar 2008 np link).

I do not support child labour but we should be able to consider other point of view, (ie allowing children to work under certain guidelines) and if it is not against the norm or law of the host home country, nor stop the child from going to school, I will be reluctant to call it child labour. It indeed might be a life skill for the child not just in economics, but in practical skills (imagine the neat pattern on the piece of clothe), what about the extra income for school uniform or the stipend for the family. Again, let’s not all jump on the bandwagon of criticism, using our own yardstick to measure other economies (Source: Feyisetan 2008 np link).

An earlier comment stated ‘it is a purposeful attempt to denigrate a company by falsifying facts that were presented to deceive the public.’ How do you know this? Have you been to the factories? Seen the children working? Talked to them? Wake up it happens. Families including the kids want to eat, so they work. There’s no cushy social security that pays you to sit on your arse for doing nothing … You want money to eat, you work – simple. And there are plenty more people looking for the work than there are jobs. So if you complain, cause trouble, are late or produce poor work. You and your family are given the boot. Conditions are much better than in the past, but again that’s relative. The footage maybe be faked – it was probably done to protect the real kid workers – but for as long as you want to keep buying cheap goods and large chunks of the world live in poverty then child labour will continue. Why because they’re hungry! (Source: wanchaiboi 2011 np link).

I don’t really mind if children make the clothes I wear. They should get paid the same as the adults or better give the jobs to their mums, dads, aunties and uncles at the reasonable wages to bring up their families. Or even better, bring the jobs back into this country to our textile industry (Source: DP 2008 np link).

If it was happening in the UK could you imagine the public reaction (Source: retailworld 2008 np link)[?]

I’m quite ‘good’ at switching off and watching things like this on a very unemotional level. Dont forget that is the message the film makers want to get accross so they will edit it and do the voice over in the most emotional manner (Source: Mel W 2008 np link).

wow. i watched that show. would love to know what was true and not true in it. i wonder if they will rescreen it, recut, … or whether it will be buried and we’ll never really know what happens. perhaps C4 will commission a dispatches on the same subject and do it properly (Source: Anon 2011d np link).

The documentary raises important questions about low-cost fashion and how it is produced; but we wonder whether it is just low-cost fashion retailers who are vulnerable to these practices (Source: Buttle 2008 np link).

Outcomes / Impacts

An hour-long Panorama special about the high street clothes retailer Primark [on] … Monday June 23, was watched by 4.2 million viewers. The programme, called Primark: On the Rack, pulled in an average of 19% of the available audience at 9pm. The programme was not shown at the same time in Scotland but added 310,000 when it was shown on BBC1 Scotland at 10.30pm, according to the unofficial overnights (Source: Dowell 2008 np link).

The Panorama report … got the biggest audience in the 9pm-10pm slot with a 19.2% share (Source: Sandison 2008 p.1 link).

[BBC’s iPlayer] has already transformed the television viewing habits of millions and boosted ratings for a diverse cast of stars from Noel Fielding to Sir Alan Sugar and Jeremy Vine. [The BBC said yesterday that] … the online catch-up service … had received more than 100m programme requests in just six months … The fifth most watched programme yesterday was Panorama’s investigation into the use of child labour by suppliers of the clothing store Primark, originally broadcast on Monday (Source: Gibson 2008a p.7 link).

‘Primark: On the Rack’ had a powerful effect. The garment sector in Tirupur, already politicized because of alleged violations of labor laws, attracted even more attention from foreign media. Activists and the media in the U.K. and elsewhere were galvanized. Hundreds of workers in the region lost their jobs. India’s Central Bureau of Investigation began a probe of the industry. Rumors swirled that the CBI and the Tirupur police were warning locals to keep quiet about what they knew about child labor. Anyone caught discussing the issue was subject to arrest (Source: Maroney 2020, p.192).


Primark … sacked three Indian clothing supply firms after the BBC’s Panorama programme found refugee children slaving away in factories for as little as 60p a day making sequinned vests. But is ethical shopping just a luxury that we can no longer afford? Mum-of-three Katrina Reddie, 34, from East London, says that she can’t stop shopping at cheap stores. ‘Of course, I think it’s wrong that this goes on,’ she says. ‘How do we know who uses it and who doesn’t? Even some of the expensive brands do it. I shop at Primark because it’s cheaper, simple as that.’ Mum-of-two Margaret Hunter, 45, a doctor from South-East London, says she tries her best to shop ethically. ‘I did discuss it with my children who came shopping with me yesterday,’ she says. ‘I told them many of the clothes we buy could be made by people who are paid something like 20p a day. Most clothes are made in Indonesia and I’m sure they’re not paid a fair wage there anyway – and that’s not just Primark. ‘But when your kids nag you for a new dress or jeans it’s easy to forget ethics’ (Source: Fletcher 2008 np link).

Primark’s website … carries the company’s code of ethics and a video interview with Breege O’Donoghue, a Primark director, in which she says the ‘sacking’ of the three factories was ‘a matter of huge regret for us’. It was the action ‘of last resort’ and Primark was ‘extremely sad’ about the loss of jobs (Source: Anon 2008a np).

Last week, in an announcement that effectively pre-empted publication by The Observer of this investigation, Primark announced it had sacked three of its clothing suppliers in India after being told by the BBC’s Panorama programme of evidence that it was subcontracting labour to child workers. … The firm … said it had made the statement to fulfil a responsibility to shareholders, not – as cynics suggested – to lessen the shock of an international expose. The retailer said that, as soon as it was alerted to the practices over a month ago by The Observer and the BBC it cancelled new orders with the factories concerned and withdrew thousands of garments from its stores. The speed at which Primark acted may mean that its standing in the high street remains secure, its reputation repaired before many of its customers will have even noticed it was tarnished (Source: McDougall 2008a, p.22 link).

‘The BBC came to us with very serious allegations about the conduct of a small number of factories that sell to Primark which we investigated immediately and very thoroughly,’ a spokesman for the company said. ‘What we found left us with no option but to drop those factories – no rightminded person would have done anything different.’ War on Want, the charity behind today’s protest, says that such precipitous action is just a public relations stunt, and leaves potentially hundreds of garment workers in an even worse position than before. ‘The problem is not over for the people who are going to be in jeopardy now because of these cancelled contracts,’ Simon McRae, a senior campaigner at War on Want, said. ‘It may be over for Primark’s PR, but it won’t be for those whose livelihoods are under threat.’ Although the company says it will continue to buy from authorised suppliers in the same region and the overall value of its orders will not change, War on Want claims that the only responsible reaction to allegations of exploitative labour practices is to engage with the companies involved. ‘Primark’s response undermines its commitment to the ethical treatment of workers – they are not interested in interacting with the suppliers, they just wanted to get it off the front page,’ Mr McRae said. ‘The company should be finding out what is going on and working with the suppliers to improve the situation. We are not saying that the company is not trying at all, but it has a long way to go, and if this is the way it responds the first time it comes across something going wrong, it doesn’t set a good precedent’ (Source: Arnott 2008 p.36 link).

The Irish conglomerate, which sells one in every 10 items of clothing bought in Britain and has nearly 170 stores nationwide, has now removed all the garments manufactured by the Indian manufacturers. In a prepared statement, Primark, a subsidiary of Associated British Foods, said the sub-contracted work on a ‘small number of designs’ was taking place without its consent or knowledge. It said: ‘Under no circumstances would Primark ever knowingly permit such activities whether directly through its suppliers or through third party sub-contractors. ‘Primark takes this lapse in standards in its embroidery supply chain very seriously indeed. In addition to sacking the factories at fault, Primark has taken urgent steps to further tighten control of suppliers’ (Source: Williams 2008 p.3 link).

Primark’s reaction – ditching their suppliers – is not the answer, according to Sumi Dhanarajan, an Oxfam senior policy advisor. She says: ‘Dumping the supplier doesn’t work any more. Consumers know too much now about ethical trade to realise that it doesn’t solve the problem for the children. They do not necessarily go to school when the factories are closed. ‘This is a moral issue. The responsible thing would be to work with the company to look at how they can move children back into education – striking a deal with suppliers where children work for a shorter time so they can go to school.’ … ‘Now consumers should demand answers from retailers as to how goods are produced and look within themselves at how they spend cash’ (Source: Fletcher 2008 np link).

The problem … is that just straight dis-engagement helps no-one. Effectively it is running away from the issue rather than trying to manage it. Primark have already said that they have cancelled contracts with those companies shown in the program, which means Primark is effectively boycotting them but the point is that they could have managed the situation better by monitoring the companies better and enforcing their ethical policy. That way people involved don’t just lose their livelihoods (Source: NotAPrayer 2008 np link).

Disengagement (i.e. boycott) might not be the best method as the documentary highlighted. But the programme also said that primark had laid off the workers featured on panorama. In such a case, where a company refuses to have some standards, regulations and change their policies to pave the way for ethical trading – they deserve a boycott. Primark COULD have not laid off these workers and actually engaged with the people on the ground and have some regulations than cut and run (Source: publicist 2008 np link).

Clearly controlling supply chains is well-nigh impossible. We at Impactt think that it is time for another approach. The need is to identify these informal supply chains, which after all provide some income for very poor people, to develop ways to keep adults in the supply chain, but working under better conditions and to support working children back to school, whilst maintaining the family’s income. Primark’s response to the allegations has been to drop three suppliers for using undeclared subcontractors. Primark have a point here, since the suppliers are in breach of their agreement – however, walking away is never going to solve the problem. This type of action will leave adults without jobs and the children caught in the media glare in an even more vulnerable position. To be fair, Primark has announced its intention to establish the ‘Primark Better Lives Foundation’, which will provide financial assistance to organisations devoted to improving the lives of young people; whether or not this will address the needs of the children found in their subcontracted factories remains to be seen (Source: Buttle 2008 np link).

Hi Martin [Buttle], We do agree that working with suppliers must be the priority if the value of out investment in the developing world as a supply source (ÂŁ700 million) is to benefit those who put in the effort. The three suppliers we sacked had all been audited at least once recently were all apparently complying with a remediation / improvement programme we had given them and were all deceiving us by using unauthorised subcontracting. Trust and transparency had broken down. Enough was enough. We will continue working in Tamil Nadu and have announced a range of measures to both tighten up our inspection procedures and to help the local people as grass roots level, Geoff (Source: Lancaster 2008 np link).

However, Primark has told just-style that the decision followed a 12-month investigation of the plants, which was merely accelerated by findings identified by the BBC. ‘They [War On Want] haven’t taken the trouble to fully understand the case,’ said Geoff Lancaster, the head of external affairs for Primark parent company Associated British Foods.’ Our normal practice is to work with suppliers to improve standards, and we spend GBP770m a year in the developing world as a force for good. ‘We have a comprehensive audit programme and our standard practise is to work with the supplier when they are not up to scratch. ‘We had done this for 12 months with the Indian factories involved but in the end there was a lack of transparency on their part. They broke that trust and there wasn’t any point in carrying on with them.’ Simon McRae, senior campaigns officer at War on Want, said: ‘Pressure on Indian suppliers to deliver fast fashion at rock bottom prices has made sweatshop labour inevitable. ‘Again and again, scandals exposing UK retailers exploiting garment workers underline that the public cannot trust stores to police themselves. ‘It is high time the British government introduced regulation to stop this shameful abuse’ (Source: Ayling 2008 np).

Low-priced Irish company Primark was dismissed as an ETI member after a documentary featuring footage of child labourers making merchandise sold by the retailer was broadcast (Source: Goworek 2011 np link).

Since the programme was broadcast, Primark … has taken steps to increase supervision of its supply chain by cutting the number of factories it uses and stepping up audits (Source: Leroux 2011 np).

They promised to employ an officer in Indian to monitor production (Source: Anon 2008d np link).

Primark will also appoint a highly reputable NGO in Southern India as a partner to act as its eyes and ears on the ground, continually investigating how and where garments are made, to identify any unauthorised sub-contracting … Primark will continue its own factory inspections and unannounced visits and those of SGS … Primark supports some 2 million people through its supply contracts. However, Primark also recognises that further progress must be made to improve working conditions in developing nations. As part of its contribution to this process, the company is announcing today its intention to establish the ‘Primark Better Lives Foundation’, which will provide financial assistance to organisations devoted to improving the lives of young people. In addition to the initial funding Primark is endowing the Foundation with any profits made from the affected garments (Source: Anon 2008e p.1-2 link).

[Primark is] Now in the top 10 of ETI member brands, up from Improver status last year. This reflects strong growth in auditing, remediation and training …The Ethical Trading Initiative graded Primark ‘Achiever’ status. (The four categories being Beginner, Improver, Achiever, Leader). An achiever is categorised as a company which is ‘achieving sustainable improvements in working  conditions and respect for worker rights by engagement with suppliers, trade unions, governments and customers. These actions are informed by, but go beyond its supplier assessment programme’. Of the 59 corporate members of the ETI, Primark is now ranked in the Top 10 (joint 9th) and its progress is well-ahead of its peers when set against length of ETI membership … We have improved the efficiency of our supplier selection process. All new suppliers must meet certain core standards, assessed through an audit, before approval to produce our goods is granted. We are conducting more than a significant number of factory audits – 1266 in 2010 compared to 1,136 in 2009 and 533 in 2008. This was well ahead of our target of 1,000 audits for the year. We are on target to conduct the same number in 2011, supported by more intensive remediation and training (Source: Primark 2011b p.1 link).

Geoff Lancaster, the head of external affairs for Primark parent company Associated British Foods. … [said]: ‘We have been singled out because of our success. The biggest misconception out there is that just because an item is cheap that it is unethical. ‘You can still produce with value and in an ethical way manner. There are people within the supply chain that are caught using mal-practice, but these suppliers try to work for everybody in the business, not just us’ (Source: Ayling 2008 np).

Primark feels it has taken the brunt in a number of planned exposes on the fast fashion supply chain, including the well-publicised BBC series Blood, Sweat and T-Shirts, which showed six young fashion addicts experiencing life as factory workers in India. This was due to be followed up by a Channel 4 documentary called ‘The Devil Wears Primark’ (Source: Ayling 2008 np).

[This] programme about Primark, due to be shown earlier this month, was withdrawn and has not been broadcast (Source: Anon 2008a np).

The Devil Wears Primark (originally titled Dress For Less) was an unaired Channel 4 investigative documentary. Presented by Alexa Chung, the documentary examined the human costs of purchasing clothes from budget retailer Primark, including through accessing Indian sweatshops integral to its global supply chain. Initially set to air on 1st June 2008, it was pulled from the schedules for ‘editorial reasons’, before being shelved indefinitely following the broadcast of the BBC Panorama documentary ‘Primark: On the Rack’. … In 2008, Channel 4 investigated the workplace practices in Indian sweatshops linked to Primark. The documentary, titled The Devil Wears Primark, was produced by Betty TV, which specialised in factual entertainment and documentary programmes. The 100-minute documentary was split into two key segments; The first witnessed producer and director Jo Burge visit several Indian suppliers and subcontractors. Using a hidden camera, footage of blatant violations of Primark’s Code of Conduct was reportedly recorded. It showed beyond-the-pale working conditions, intimidating behaviour such as the demand to work overtime for no pay, and even possible evidence of child labour. Several interviews were conducted with current and ex-factory workers. The research discovered the typical sweatshop employee worked at least 70 hours per week, earning an hourly rate of only 15p. Though the documentary focused exclusively on Primark’s suppliers, it is believed these sweatshops were also integral to its competitors’ supply chains. Armed with these revelations, presenter Alexa Chung set out to replicate these sweatshop conditions in a London shop. Chung had previously worked in modelling, before embarking on hosting duties for such television programmes as Popworld and Freshly Squeezed. In a five-day experiment, fifteen volunteers endured 60-70 hours working in similar, dank sweatshop conditions. Most sources claim the makeshift sweatshop was situated at the West End, but an April 2008 article by the Daily Mirror claimed it was situated two miles away in Covent Garden. The fifteen volunteers, all of whom passionately shopped at Primark and its budget competitors, were later asked whether they would pursue more ethical consumption patterns going forward (Source: Muffinf Muffins 2004, np link).

[This] experiment, … has echoes of other recent Channel 4 hits such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s attempt to recreate conditions on a chicken farm [see our page on Hugh’s Chicken Run series here] (Source: Gibson 2008b, np link).

[The Devil Wears Prada] documentary’s original working title was Dress For Less, [which was] likely to mask the programme’s intent of exposing Primark’s supply chain until closer to its air date. In an interview with the Daily Mirror, Chung stated the documentary aimed to reveal the true cost of affordable fashion, deeming the experiences at Indian sweatshops as ‘an eye-opener’. Later articles claimed the programme would ‘shock’ viewers, with a Londonist preview noting that an exposure on Primark’s ethics could impact viewers’ desire to shop at budget retailers (Source: Muffinf Muffins 2004, np link).

Aside from its 1st June premiere, The Devil Wears Primark was scheduled to be repeated at 11:10 pm two days later. However, Channel 4 announced at the eleventh hour that the documentary’s airing would be postponed, being replaced by the film Without a Paddle. A Channel 4 spokeswoman insisted the decision was made purely for editorial reasons. According to The Guardian, Channel 4 had instructed Betty TV to ramp up the documentary’s production, having caught wind the BBC had been producing their own Primark documentary. However, the rushed approach failed to pay dividends as no such BBC programme was seemingly set to air. The Channel 4 spokeswoman seemingly confirmed this, stating that Channel 4 and Betty TV reached a consensus that the documentary was not yet ready to meet strict quality standards. A Londonist article remarked Channel 4’s decision was unusual, as editorial issues usually do not arise days before a planned broadcast. It pondered whether legal concerns played a factor in the programme’s pulling. In a Digital Spy Forum discussion, a user by the name of antsmusic claimed they were employed by Primark. They alleged that Channel 4 had been conducting secret interviews with Primark’s store employees. However, Primark’s lawyers threatened legal action when they discovered the broadcaster had failed to conceal the employees’ identities in any meaningful way. Under sections seven and eight of Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code, ‘surreptitious filming or recording’ can be included in broadcasts if it was reasonably obtained and is critical for a public interest story. However, such deceptive filming also mandates an attempt to conceal the subject’s identity, especially in situations where no crimes are being committed. If antsmusic’s claims are to be believed, Channel 4’s decision to film employees without consent nor conceal their identities constituted substantial privacy violations. They recalled that the Oxford branch they worked at was among the stores targeted for interviews. Allegedly, one employee jokingly claimed on-camera that Primark did utilise child labour, which could have affected his job status at the company. Channel 4 subsequently denied legal reasons influenced its decision. It also announced that plans to eventually air The Devil Wears Primark were still on. Claims from several Digital Spy Forum users, including antsmusic, purported that Primark had assigned training sessions to its British personnel, including on its ‘ethical trading initiative’ and what to say if approached by reporters. The documentary’s original scheduled repeat was instead filled by an airing of The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear. Ultimately, Channel 4’s concerns over a rival BBC programme proved valid. On 23rd June 2008, following a six-month investigation, an episode of the BBC investigative documentary series Panorama titled ‘Primark: On the Rack’ was broadcast on BBC One. Because The Devil Wears Primark’s originally rushed production was supposedly in response to this BBC documentary, the latter’s airing curtailed Channel 4’s future plans. By 29th June, the documentary remained in limbo. A petition on PetitionOnline was launched to demand the documentary be broadcast, but it did little to prevent The Devil Wears Primark from being indefinitely shelved (Source: Muffinf Muffins 2004, np link).

I wonder what Mantheesh is doing this morning? Whatever it is, I hope that it is safe and productive and that she is happy. Mantheesh is the 11-year-old Tamil orphan who featured in last night’s Panorama special, Primark on the Rack. Seated among piles of garments intended for the cut-price fashion store that has both revolutionised the way we shop for clothes and unleashed ethical angst about their provenance, we saw her sewing sequins on to a shirt. Shy and smiling, the little girl, who lives in a refugee camp, said that ‘in a good day” she’ll make 40 rupees (60p). Chances are that ‘good days” for Mantheesh have come to an abrupt end as a result of the programme. In a pre-emptive action to the screening, Primark announced that it had dropped three of its suppliers in India for sub-contracting out to child labour, cancelling millions of pounds in orders. So where does that leave Mantheesh and all the other children who were making a living of sorts for themselves and their families? Last night, a spokesman for Panorama was unable to tell me, while Primark trots out the promise to fund organisations that work to improve the lives of young people ‘including those identified by the BBC”. I hope that is the case. None of us would condone any child being forced to engage in exploitative labour. But what if the alternatives are starvation or hard, physical labour, bonded labour, pornography or prostitution? Organisations such as Save the Children say that abruptly closing down a chain of supply can push the youngest and most vulnerable workers into desperate measures and far more hazardous work. The advice is not to stop buying, but to buy responsibly and to keep asking questions of the retailers about their products. But hasn’t Primark missed a great opportunity here? Instead of the knee-jerk sacking of its rogue suppliers on the grounds that ‘no right-minded person would have done anything different”, why didn’t it stick with them and demand changes to their working practices. Surely that would have the greatest impact, commercially and in PR terms. It certainly would have been of the greatest long-term benefit to children like Mantheesh (Source: Hunt 2008 p.22 link).

BBC One’s flagship current affairs programme … Panorama has conducted ground-breaking investigations, such as Primark On The Rack, for which it received the Royal Television Society award for home current affairs (Source: BBC 2009 np link).

The RTS said it ‘went the extra mile to lay bare the whole chain from refugee camp to high street rail’ (Source: Methven 2011b p.8 link).

Television investigations into retailers are proving increasingly controversial. Last week the BBC Panorama documentary Primark: On the Rack was ruled to include faked footage after a three-year inquiry. The BBC Trust decided the footage of three boys working on Primark garments in dire conditions in Bangalore, India, which was aired in June 2008, were ‘more likely than not, not genuine’. The BBC has until July 7 [2011] to report to the BBC Trust what measures it will take to prevent further breaches of its editorial guidelines. Primark said it will wait until this time to decide whether it will push for damages (Source: Goldfingle 2011 np link).

[The Trust] concluded that it was more likely than not that footage used in the June 2008 edition of Panorama, entitled ‘Primark: On the Rack’, was not authentic. This will come as a positive decision for many corporate entities that find themselves the subject of reports by investigative journalists, and will help ensure that any such reports will be scrutinised accurately and fairly. … Although this process has clearly been a protracted one for Primark … overall this is a welcome result in terms of protecting corporate reputations from potential damage by evidence which is not sufficiently scrutinised by a broadcaster prior to broadcast. This appeal may therefore help shape the BBC Editorial Guidelines and complaints process to further ensure that actions of corporates are more fairly represented in future (Source: Barty & Hardy 2011 np link).

The BBC Trust, the corporation’s governance and regulatory body, today told the corporation it must broadcast an apology to the fashion retailer after finding ‘serious failings’ in the making of the award-winning Panorama documentary Primark: on the Rack (Source: Sweney 2011 np link).

The trust apologised for ‘this rare lapse in quality’. Given the ‘serious nature’ of the breach, the corporation must air an apology on BBC1 at the beginning or end of a Panorama programme, the trust ruled. An apology will also run on the Panorama website and the documentary is not to be sold or repeated …The trust has also requested that the corporation ‘considers its position’ over the Royal Television Society award won by the documentary in 2009 (Source: Robinson & Sweney 2011 np link).

The BBC has handed back the Royal Television Society award it won for a Panorama documentary on Primark’s working practices after the BBC Trust found ‘serious failings’ in one section of the programme … The BBC said on Monday … ‘We acknowledge that a serious error was made and therefore it would be inappropriate to keep the RTS award’ … . BBC management has been asked to ‘report back on the lessons learned’ from the episode to the trust by 7 July (Source: Halliday 2011 np link).

Because the complaints process has taken some time to resolve, the BBC has already made significant progress in tightening its procedures when it comes to filming in undercover situations … We note that the Trust supported the central thrust of the programme, which was that there was clear evidence that work was being outsourced from factories in India in contravention of Primark’s own ethical trading principles (Source: BBC 2011 np link).

As a result of the ruling, the BBC will ensure that all staff involved in the making of the programme – and more generally staff involved in investigative reporting – understand their responsibilities when it comes to authenticating evidence. These additional safeguards should ensure that the BBC maintains the standards our audiences expect but should also protect our journalists against claims which may be false but which are impossible authoritatively to disprove (Source BBC 2011 np link).

While the ruling offers some assurance that the corporation takes accusations of false reporting seriously, PROs are divided as to whether it has also discredited the reputation of Panorama. ‘This admission batters the credibility of what has been a well regarded programme,’ says Cathcart Consulting CEO Jackie Elliot. Lewis’ head of editorial David Brown agrees: ‘Anything that endangers trust in Panorama is bad as it could lead to public scepticism.’ But others, like Lexis’ head of corporate, James Thellusson, believe the long-term impact of the fiasco will be minimal. ‘Most viewers will forget the detail soon or decide that the value of the programme outweighs the occasional slip,’ says Thellusson. Being featured on an investigative news programme like Panorama is not always undesirable for brands. As Edelman’s director of strategy, Stefan Stern, argues: ‘It’s good to get attention from a prestigious programme. Companies should want to engage. Why wouldn’t you co-operate if you have nothing to hide?’ When ‘Primark: on the rack’ was initially broadcast, the high-street retailer launched a microsite aimed at consumers where it responded to the allegations, because it did not feel it would be represented fairly on the programme. It also presented its response to the BBC Trust’s findings on its microsite. Brown says: ‘The recent tactic to undermine the credibility of the footage with a concise, hard-hitting video on a microsite was good.’ But he adds that finding out the allegations as early as possible can help in forming a response. Thellusson argues that starting a dialogue with a programme like Panorama is always a good place to begin: ‘Listen first, ask questions second and then try to establish a conversation. It always makes sense to talk. You want to know what is being investigated.’ Panorama’s editor Tom Giles says he would prefer this approach: ‘It’s better to have a contribution from the company concerned rather than hearing from a PR spokesman or simply having a written statement from them.’ But Elliot advises the best possible rebuttal is transparency and proof of innocence: ‘Proof of innocence using third parties as well as senior management is likely to make it impossible for an investigation to develop legs’ (Source: Kaba 2011 p.15 link).

‘We are so nervous about making sure that we are accountable for our licence fee, lots of us producers are worried about settling,’ a producer inside the BBC says. ‘It has got to the stage where we can’t take on certain investigations. A lot of the high-profile undercover work has been dropped from documentaries … The Secret Policeman, The Secret Agent – our undercover filming of the BNP. It’s too risky now – we are nervous about broadcasting anything that has a serious chance of ending up in court.’ ‘As well as the financial implications of fighting cases, there is a general fear about how it will affect the BBC’s image,’ he adds. ‘We are scared of both.’ The BBC dismisses these fears. ‘We don’t recognise libel as one of the risks of journalism,’ says the spokesman, citing programmes such as Primark on the Rack  … . ‘The fact that a few cases are settled doesn’t influence our approach.’ The fears over libel reporting come as, in a separate development, Britain’s laws attract increasing international attention. Some have claimed that London is developing an industry for ‘libel tourism’ because of the relative ease with which complainants can sue. In an influential article last week, American attorney Floyd Abrams argued that many UK libel claims would never have succeeded under US law due to the onus on the claimant to prove malice. ‘Under American law, there could be no credible claim made . . . unless (the claimant) could demonstrate that (the defendant) had acted negligently or worse and the work done to prepare the story would be admissible (indeed central) on that issue,’ he wrote (Source: Hirsch 2009 p.7 link).

After three years of concerted attack, Primark boasted, the BBC’s investigative journalism had been put ‘on the rack’. Its Trust was effectively accusing McDougall and his team of breaching editorial guidelines and of unethical journalistic behaviour… . McDougall the exposer had now been ‘exposed’ … . Accusing anticapitalist critics of double standards is a well-honed tactic employed to undermine their critiques. Journalists and commentators speculated whether McDougall should seek a judicial review of the Trust’s findings, sue Primark for libel … and/or whether, ‘if [he] sues for libel, he will ruin his own reputation’ (Source: Cook et al 2018, p.481).

After an on-air apology this week, the BBC has been asked to examine its ‘safeguards’ and ‘practices’ to mitigate against such ‘serious editorial failings’. Thanks to a spate of media scandals over the past decade, and a subsequent tightening of procedures, compliance is already a huge topic of debate. … there appears to be a groundswell of opinion blaming compliance for what the IBT called an ‘increasingly risk-averse culture within broadcasting that is stifling creativity’. It’s hard to square the Trust’s findings with views of compliance within the industry. Earlier this month, via an anonymous online survey, we spoke to 75 executives, company owners, producers, directors and production managers to try to get a broader set of opinion. The findings make for compelling reading. According to the survey, two-thirds of programme-makers think that compliance currently has either a negative or very negative impact on creativity. This is particularly true among freelance producers and directors (67%) and senior executives (68%). On the flip side, only 16% think compliance has a positive or very positive impact. ‘Having editorial changes imposed upon a programme as decided by a set of generic rules is likely to negatively impact what could have been produced with a free (experienced and sensible) rein,’ one producer/director from London succinctly declared. For some parts of the industry, however, it is not compliance or compliance advisers that are to blame, but the interpretation of the compliance advice in the corridors of commissioning power. One owner of a factual indie said: ‘Contractual form filling and legal checks are a natural part of broadcasting. What has happened, especially at the BBC, is that its executives have self-censored. The results are clear on screen: safe, dull programmes. It is not compliance or the editorial policy team that is the issue, but the ‘vision’ and ambition of the BBC commissioners.’ Another London-based factual indie boss agreed: ‘Commissioners second-guess compliance officers, making a bad situation worse. Certain broadcasters seem hell-bent on bringing in a privacy law via compliance and do not take enough consideration of freedom of expression.’ One corollary of this ‘perception’ of a compliance-focused commissioning agenda is its impact on the programmes and ideas being offered. The good news is the majority (77%) will still pitch an idea to a broadcaster regardless of whether or not they think there will be potential compliance issues further down the line. The bad news is that 23% won’t, and as many as 37% admit to watering down an idea during development because of potential compliance issues. A senior executive at one London indie that makes factual and current affairs shows said: ‘Anything risky goes to C[hannel]4 first. If it says no, then a ‘safer’ version goes to the BBC.’ It’s the kind of comment that might make interesting reading for BBC editorial policy and standards director David Jordan after his assertion that ‘we have no evidence of indies taking ideas elsewhere because of what is described as a climate of fear’. But the really bad news is that a whopping 59% said they had self censored a show during production, which sounds worrying, especially when juxtaposed with the data about the impact on creativity (Source: Strauss 2011 np link).

[Despite all of this] Panorama’s accusation … was damaging to Primark’s reputation (Source: Primark nd np link).

This was a slowly unfolding scandal. A flagship TV series was faking footage to expose a fast fashion chain. A fashion chain removed from its stores clothes featured in a documentary, cut ties with their manufacturers and tried to silence a critique of its unethical practices. It was more worried about its reputation than the welfare of those making its clothes, a reputation that a sophisticated PR strategy was supposed to repair before anyone noticed it had been tarnished. Commentators argued. After the BBC Trust report was published in 2011, Paul Lister (‘company secretary and director of legal services at Primark’s parent company Associated British Foods’) said there had been no noticeable consumer boycott of Primark as a result of the film. But Google-searching ‘Primark’ and ‘Sweatshop’ continued to return thousands of hits, ‘all as a result of this programme’. Panorama had made Primark the ‘poster boy of child labour’. Lister concluded … . Q: Why had its attempts to silence its critics backfired so badly? A: The Streisand Effect. In February 2013, EDF sued for ÂŁ5 million some climate change activists who had occupied the chimney of a power station in the UK … . If EDF won, the activists would lose everything. This, George Monbiot wrote, was an ‘attempt to bully people into political submission through inordinate demands’ … If such legal action was successful, those who ‘might otherwise have been trying to protect the environment or . . . defend workers’ rights are . . . snarled up in the courts. Those who might have joined the campaign are frightened off. Those who might have become active in other campaigns avoid politics altogether for fear of the consequences’” (ibid., np)’ … . But this, he said, was a risky response by EDF to its critics. In 2003, Barbra Streisand’s lawyers had demanded $50 million in damages for the violation of the entertainer’s privacy. They insisted an aerial photograph of her house be removed from an online collection of photos taken for the California Coastal Record project (Anon, 2003). Before the lawsuit, it had been downloaded four times. A month after, it had been downloaded 42,000 times. The ‘Streisand Effect’, Wikipedia explains, is ‘the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicising the information more widely, usually facilitated by the internet’ … . This is what happened to Primark. I imagined its Minifigure CEO reading Monbiot’s column late one night at home. A penny dropping (Source: Cook et al 2018, p.483).

‘It is very difficult to know if it harmed sales – Primark has been very successful in the intervening period – in terms of reputation that is why we pursued it,’ said [Paul] Lister, who is company secretary and director of legal services at Primark’s parent company Associated British Foods. He said any Google search using terms such as ‘Primark’ and ‘child labour’ continues to return ‘thousands’ of references to the company – even though the documentary first aired over three years ago – ‘all as a result of this programme (Source: Sweney 2011 np link).

Scoff if you want to, but there was a time when Primark – or ‘Primarni’, if you please – had a certain air of chic. I was brought up to understand that coats and shoes were something you bought once a year, from M&S, obviously. Then, in the mid-2000s, Primark arrived on every British high street. Almost overnight, new coats, shoes and any other item fickle fashion demanded could be bought on a whim. We soon learned that cheap clothes have hidden costs. The BBC’s 2008 Panorama documentary Primark: On the Rack included footage of child labour and, by the time it had been shown to be ‘most likely’ fabricated, the thrill of the bargain was forever tarnished by guilt. When in 2013 the Rana Plaza building collapse resulted in the deaths of more than 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers, it was Primark which took the brunt of the headlines, despite the fact that suppliers for posher shops including Accessorize and Mango had also used the building (Source: Jones 2014, np).

On Tuesday 23 April 2013, two-inch deep cracks were discovered in three pillars inside the Rana Plaza garment factory complex in Savar, near Dhaka, in Bangladesh. The building housed a bank and shops on its ground floor and six ready-made garment factories on seven floors above. 4,000–5,000 people worked there. A local engineer inspected the cracks, classified the building as ‘vulnerable’ and recommended it be immediately surveyed. TV and newspaper reports of the cracks appeared. Concern spread among the workforce. The next day, the bank and shops didn’t open. But the majority of female garment workers entered the building and began to assemble High Street brands’ clothing as usual. That month’s pay would be withheld if they refused and they were reassured via the factories’ loudspeakers that the cracks had been repaired. Most men stayed outside. At 8.37 a.m. a power cut led to generators on every floor being switched on. Those inside heard a loud sound like the cracking of toast biscuits, felt the building jerk beneath their feet and rushed shouting towards the gates in the East side as the middle of the floor collapsed. Many tried to escape via staircases or by jumping out of windows. But the North wall broke apart and the building tilted South and imploded into a 7,000 ton, two-storey high pyramid-shaped pile of rubble. Over 3,500 people were killed, injured or trapped. The owner, Sohel Rana, was quickly rescued from his basement office and whisked away by car … Thousands of soldiers, police, firefighters, social welfare agencies, relatives and members of the public gathered at the scene to rescue survivors and to identify the dead and injured. Numbers rose rapidly, day after day. Journalists documented heroic rescue efforts and people pulled from the rubble alive after days underground told stories of terrifying experiences. Firefighters wept live on television after failing to rescue a woman called Shahnaz 110 hours after the collapse when a fire broke out in the rubble and killed her …. Photos of dead bodies appeared in news stories with their feet protruding from the sheets placed over them. Three weeks later, over 1,100 were dead and over 2,000 had been rescued alive … The 24-hour coverage of the Rana Plaza collapse was a different kind of exposĂŠ of the manufacture of High Street clothing and the lives of the people working in the factories where it was made. Journalists from all over the world working for countless media organisations documented what was happening and questioned the companies whose clothes were – without any doubt – being made by those dead and injured workers. They found Benetton, Mango, Primark and other brands’ clothes in the rubble, photographed them and included these photos in their reports. They reported that New Wave Bottoms, on Rana Plaza’s second floor, listed Primark as a buyer …. The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper described Rana Plaza as the ‘Primark factory disaster’ … . News headlines included ‘Rescuers use massive strips of cloth as escape chutes after Primark factory in Bangladesh collapses’ … ; ‘119 dead at Bangladesh plant that supplies Primark’ … ; ‘Why I never shop at Primark: . . . almost 300 die in the Bangladesh factory tragedy’ …; and ‘Protesters outside Primark’s flagship London store call for fashion chains to compensate families of dead and injured’ … . Primark was by far the most prominent brand mentioned in news stories as the shocking scale of the tragedy quickly emerged. The responsibilities and reputation of this ‘poster boy’ of garment factory carnage – along with a growing list of other companies – were discussed worldwide … The Rana Plaza collapse was a different kind of exposĂŠ, an event so spectacular that journalists were drawn to it en-masse to convey the mounting scale and shock of its human suffering. After decades of anti-sweatshop campaigning, journalists reported NGOs arguing that Rana Plaza had to be an ethical turning point in the global fashion industry … . This exposĂŠ couldn’t be framed as the unethical work of a rogue journalist employed by a media company with an alleged anti-business bias. No PR agency could ‘move this story on’. Primark would have to respond differently (Source: Cook et al 2018, p.484-6).

The 24-hour coverage of the Rana Plaza collapse was a different kind of exposĂŠ of the manufacture of High Street clothing and the lives of the people working in the factories where it was made. Journalists from all over the world working for countless media organisations documented what was happening and questioned the companies whose clothes were – without any doubt – being made by those dead and injured workers. They found Benetton, Mango, Primark and other brands’ clothes in the rubble, photographed them and included these photos in their reports. They reported that New Wave Bottoms, on Rana Plaza’s second floor, listed Primark as a buyer …. The UK’s Daily Mail newspaper described Rana Plaza as the ‘Primark factory disaster’ … . News headlines included ‘Rescuers use massive strips of cloth as escape chutes after Primark factory in Bangladesh collapses’ … ; ‘119 dead at Bangladesh plant that supplies Primark’ … ; ‘Why I never shop at Primark: . . . almost 300 die in the Bangladesh factory tragedy’ …; and ‘Protesters outside Primark’s flagship London store call for fashion chains to compensate families of dead and injured’ … . Primark was by far the most prominent brand mentioned in news stories as the shocking scale of the tragedy quickly emerged. The responsibilities and reputation of this ‘poster boy’ of garment factory carnage – along with a growing list of other companies – were discussed worldwide … The Rana Plaza collapse was a different kind of expos e, an event so spectacular that journalists were drawn to it en masse to convey the mounting scale and shock of its human suffering. After decades of anti-sweatshop campaigning, journalists reported NGOs arguing that Rana Plaza had to be an ethical turning point in the global fashion industry … . This exposĂŠ couldn’t be framed as the unethical work of a rogue journalist employed by a media company with an alleged anti-business bias. No PR agency could ‘move this story on’. Primark would have to respond differently (Source: Cook et al 2018, p.486).

Brands whose labels and paperwork were found in the Rana Plaza rubble said that ‘they were not involved with factories at the time of the collapse or had not recently ordered garments from them’ … . Except one: Primark. Who immediately said it was ‘shocked and deeply saddened by the appalling incident’ … . Expressed ‘its condolences to all of those involved’ … Sent its ‘ethical trade team . . . to collect information, assess which communities the workers come from and provide support where possible’ … . Made available its ‘local banking infrastructure in Bangladesh to deliver any funds that are made available on an emergency basis’ … . Addressed ‘the immediate needs of victims, including the provision of emergency food aid to families’. Accepted ‘all its responsibilities in the this disaster’. All within four days of the collapse, the BBC reported … . It would provide, for the New Wave Bottoms victims, ‘long-term aid for children who have lost parents, financial aid for those injured and payments to families of the deceased’ … . It urged other brands ‘to come forward and offer assistance’ … and paid the wages of 3,630 survivors who had made clothes for them – and for their rivals – for six months after the collapse … . In September 2013, 29 brands sourcing from Rana Plaza were invited to the International Labour Organisation in Geneva to discuss a proposed US$75 m compensation fund for the victims … . Twenty failed to turn up. Companies like Walmart, Benetton and Mango were showing ‘total contempt’ for those killed and injured, said the Clean Clothes Campaign … . Primark attended and added ÂŁ6 m to the fund (US$10m). Gilbert Houngbo, Deputy Director General of the ILO, hoped this exemplary response would ‘bring the debate out so that people will ask other brands What are you doing?’ … . Primark again ‘call[ed] on other brands sourcing from Rana Plaza to now contribute a fair share’ … . In March 2014, it made its ‘last long term payment’ to the New Wave Bottoms victims, but said it would ‘remain involved to support dependents until adulthood’ … . By May 2015, 19 of the 29 brands had paid into the fund … . ‘Primark continues to remember the people who died in the Rana Plaza building’, say news stories documenting its continuing trading success … . ‘Lessons had been learned from . . . the tragedy [and] it is possible to make clothes in Bangladesh without putting workers at risk’, the company says … . Primark spent ÂŁ9 million to turn its Rana Plaza story around … . This process was masterminded by a familiar figure: Associated British Food’s Paul Lister. Journalists reported (Source: Cook et al 2018, p.490).

Page compiled by Kate Adley, Richard Keeble, Pippa Russell, Noora Stenholm, William Strang and Tuuli Valo, edited by Eleanor Bird and Ian Cook (last updated February 2025). Page created for as part of the ‘Geographies of Material Culture’ module, University of Exeter. Eleanor’s editing was supported by a nicely paid internship.


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Image credits

Header slideshow: credit BBC

Screengrab: credit Primark

Speaking icon: Speaking ( by M Faisal from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0) Modified August 2024