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Manufactured Landscapes
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Manufactured Landscapes
A documentary film directed by Jennifer Baichwal, starring photographer Edward Burtynsky, for Zeitgeist Films.
Trailer embedded above. Search online for streaming availability here.

Filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal follows industrial landscape photographer Edward Burtynsky as he visits factories, dumping and recycling sites in China and Bangladesh. His photos are stunning, beautiful, mesmerising and disturbing. Her film picks out the details and follows them, ‘unfreezing’ his photos in time. On the one hand, it’s a portrait of the artist at work. But, on the other, some say it’s a critique of the way that his work is more interested in the aesthetics than the politics and ethics of global capitalism. As he’s high above or far away trying to get a stunning visual composition framed and lit just right, she documents lives and livelihoods up close. People watching the film say that it transforms the cinema into an art gallery, as his photos linger long on the screen. Many remark on the ‘beauty’ of his work. It’s sublime. But is Baichwal’s film complicating these aesthetics with ethics? Or does his interest in capitalist industrialisation’s huge scale, order, patterns and visual contrasts ,and his eye for pollution, invite the viewer to see these ethics at play?

Page reference: Lucy Bannister, Harriet Beattie, Katy Charlton, Lawrence Cook, Daisy Livingston, Romain Tijou & Alex Tucker (2011) Manufactured Landscapes.,shtml (last accessed <insert dae here>)

Estimated reading time: 36 minutes.

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Black Gold: Wake Up & Smell The Coffee

Black Gold: Wake Up & Smell The Coffee
A documentary film directed by Marc & Nick Francis, starring Tadesse Meskela, for Speak-It Films & Fulcrum Productions.
Trailer embeded above. Rent or buy on Vimeo here. Search streaming availability here.

At a time when coffee shops are appearing on every street corner in the Western world and the home of the world’s finest coffee beans is mired in poverty, British filmmakers Marc and Nick Francis don’t want to make yet another documentary about Ethiopia needing Western aid. They want to show Tadesse Maskela, a representative of an Ethiopian coffee co-operative, as he travels the world trying to get a better price for his farmers’ coffee. Tadesse is irritated that importers such as Starbucks are making massive profits from this coffee while the people who grow it in ‘the home of coffee’ don’t even have schools, clean water or healthcare. This is a fascinating ‘follow the people’ documentary because it chooses to follow a producer as they try to find where the commodity the grow and sell ends up, and who profits from them. It’s not a guilty consumer trying to find who made their stuff. It stars an African man on a quest in the Global North, looking for his coffee on the shelves of a British supermarket, asking questions not only about where the coffee goes, but where – and by whom – the profits from its trade are generated and enjoyed. How will people explain to him the extraordinary inequalities in wealth and poverty along the coffee supply chain? From his perspective, this doesn’t make sense.

Page reference: Blayne Tesfaye & Julia Potter (2012) Black Gold: Wake Up & Smell The Coffee. (last accessed <insert date here>)

Estimated reading time: 26 minutes.

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Louise Mensch On Occupy London-LSX (HIGNFY)
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Louise Mensch On Occupy London-LSX (HIGNFY)
A discussion on BBCTV’s satirical news panel show Have I Got News For You (HIGNFY), featuring Louise Mensch, Danny Baker, Paul Merton and Ian Hislop, chaired by Alexander Armstrong.
Discussion embedded above on YouTube HIGNFY highlights reel.

The Conservative MP Louise Mensch and the comedy writer Danny Baker are guests on a Friday night satirical news panel show in October 2011. The Occupy camp outside London’s St Paul’s cathedral has just become front page news. The host Alexander Armstrong asks the panellists to comment on what’s happening. Mensch argues that these Occupy protestors can’t be against capitalism when they’re enjoying its fruits – like the ‘fancy tents’ they’re living in, the iPhones they’re tweeting from and the Starbucks coffees they’re queuing for. The other panellists disagree and mock her argument. She seems to be saying that anyone who participates in capitalism should not be criticising it. And, if people are critical of capitalism, you don’t have to listen to what they say. This is the ‘hypocrite’ accusation that even the mildest anti-capitalist can expect. It’s a strategy for dismissing criticism of trade injustice , and was quickly labelled the ‘Mensch Fallacy’. Taken to its extreme, it means that only people with zero involvement in capitalism can criticise it. And that’s nobody on earth! Here at, we love to spot patterns in audiences’ responses to trade justice activism. This is a big one. This page looks at the only example on our site that is a response, and the way that the panellists and audiences online challenged it. Read on.

Page reference: Jon Chick, Matt Bhol, Dee Wood, Tom Lyle, Olly Woodford & Henry Owen (2012) Louise Mensch On Occupy London-LSX (HIGNFY). (last accessed <insert date here>)

Estimated reading time: 49 minutes.

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