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Get involved

We are designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers, trade unions and fashion lovers. We are the industry and we are the public. We are world citizens. We are you.

Ditty et al (2018) How to be a fashion revolutionary p.11

Here at, we don’t want to place the blame for trade injustice only on ‘the consumer’ who is guilty for buying the wrong stuff. That’s the most common response to the work that we feature on our site, even if that work explicitly says the opposite. For trade justice activism to be effective, it needs to involve all kinds of pressure being put on corporations, industries and governments from inside and out, from all supply chain actors, from anywhere and everywhere. Whatever you do for work, in your stidies and in your spare time, there’s a way to get involved.

We will add more resources in due course, but our recommended starting point is Fashion Revolution’s (2018) How to be a fashion revolutionary. What it says fits the ethos of our site, hand in glove.


Sarah Ditty, Ian Cook, Laura Hunter, Futerra, Tamsin Blanchard (2018) How to be a fashion revolutionary (2nd ed.) Ashbourne: Fashion Revolution